----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Subject to budgetary approval, the Department of Philosophy at the University of British
Columbia seeks to appoint a visiting assistant professor in the History and Philosophy of
Economics for two years, starting July 1 2003. The teaching load is five single term
courses per year, including a two course sequence in the History and Philosophy of
Economics. Some courses have teaching assistants who may help with the grading. The normal
teaching year of two terms runs from September to April, with the possibility (subject to
availability) of teaching in the summer terms to supplement the salary listed here.
Salary: CDN$45,000 plus benefits. If you are interested in such a position, please send
your CV and a letter outlining the courses you are able to teach (peruse the department
website, listed below) to the Department Head (address given below). Please also arrange
to have three letters of recommendation sent to him in confidence. Electronic mail or
faxes are strongly encouraged so that a decision can be reached by May 1st. The deadline
for application is April 21, 2003. The University of British Columbia hires on the basis
of merit, and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to
Professor Mohan Matthen 
Department of Philosophy 
1866 Main Mall E-370 
University of British Columbia 
Vancouver   British Columbia 
Canada       V6T 1Z1 
[log in to unmask]      Fax: (604) 822-8782 
Department Course Offerings can be found on  
Mohan Matthen 
Professor and Head 
Department of Philosophy 
University of British Columbia 
Vancouver B.C. Canada V6T 1Z1 
Phone:  (604) 822 6548. Fax: (604) 822 8782 
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