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Call for Papers 
Name of the Conference:  EAST-WEST TRADE AND THE COLD WAR 
Time and Place: 20-23.11.2003, Jyvaskyla, Finland. Organized by the 
University of Jyvaskyla, Department of History. 
Organizing and Selection Committee: Professor Ilkka Nummela (chairman, 
University of Jyvaskyla, Economic History); Professor Luciano Segreto 
(Universita di Firenze, Dipartimento di Storia); Docent (Ph.D) Jari Ojala 
(University of Jyvaskyla, Economic History); Researcher, (Ph.D) Jari 
Eloranta (University of Jyvaskyla, Economic History and University of 
Warwick, Department of Economics). 
Context of the Conference: The East-West Trade and the Cold War conference 
aims to bring the international community of researchers studying the 
impact of Cold War trade to Finland for an interdisciplinary conference, on 
the basis of which both the East-West Working Group (see the conference 
website) can obtain new members and the Finnish researchers of the Cold War 
economy can attain a possibility to engage in a dialogue with their 
international colleagues. As a place the Department of History at the 
University of Jyvaskyla offers both the suitable facilities to organize the 
conference as well as the required international connections to undertake 
this endeavor. The participants will, among others, consist of the members 
of the said project, Nordic Cold War scholars as well as researchers of 
this topic in Finland. The target group for the conference and for this 
Call for Papers comprises especially social scientists and historians. In 
addition, the conference organizers want to offer a possibility for 
graduate students to develop their own international networks. Finally, we 
wish to bring forth new research especially on the European Cold War 
economies, and proposals from the Eastern European countries will be 
welcomed in particular. 
The scientific contribution of the conference focuses foremost on the 
analysis of the East-West trade during the Cold War, both at the meso- or 
macro-level as well as at the micro-level. Thus, the aim is to emphasize 
the study of this topic as a comprehensive phenomenon. At the same time the 
purpose is to delve deep into the most significant research problems in 
this area of endeavor. At the meso- and macro-levels the focal interest 
areas include especially the institutions and organizations of the Cold War 
trade, economic warfare and the roles of international organizations, as 
well as the economic significance of the East-West trade. Moreover, the 
conference aims to bring forth new country-based case studies, concerning 
the Eastern Europe and the Nordic countries in particular. There is a need 
to re-evaluate the role of the so-called weak states (small and medium 
actors in the international system) in international organizations, also 
from today's perspective. 
CONFERENCE PAPER THEMES (indicate which your proposal would most closely 
correspond with): 
  1. Institutions and Organisations of the Cold War trade 
  2. Economic Warfare and International Organizations 
  3. Economic Significance of the East-West Trade 
  4. Significance of Eastern Europe in East-West Trade 
  5. Role of the So-Called Weak States Between East and West 
Deadline for Proposals: May 1st, 2003. Send your proposals (2-3 pages) 
either by mail (Jari Ojala, University of Jyvaskyla, Department of History, 
P.O. Box 35, Jyvaskyla 40014, FINLAND) or e-mail ([log in to unmask] - 
proposals will be accepted in Word, PDF, and RTF -formats). Best conference 
papers as well as the conference's keynote speech will be published in a 
conference volume edited by the organizing committee. 
More information on the conference can be found on its website: 
Jari Eloranta (Ph.D) 
Department of Economics 
University of Warwick (UK) 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Department of History 
University of Jyvaskyla (FIN) 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
+358-41-4596100 or +44-77-17205907 
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