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Raeder seminar on Hayek-L   --  May 11 - May 21 
Linda Raeder will conduct an e-seminar between May 11 and May 21 on her 
book _John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity_ on the Hayek-L email 
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>From the publisher: 
"John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity introduces material that 
requires significant reevaluation of John Stuart Mill's contribution to the 
development of the liberal tradition. Through his influence, the radical 
anti-Christianity of the French tradition was incorporated into the 
Anglo-American political tradition. Mill's nontheological utilitarianism 
also involved the equally important insinuation of Comtean "altruism," with 
its notion of the superiority of social morality over personal morality, 
into Anglo-American consciousness. Linda C. Raeder's study carefully 
examines the nature of modern secular liberalism, the chief political 
carrier of the Millian form of secular religiosity in the American context. 
Raeder explores the influence of James Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Claude-Henri 
Saint-Simon, and Auguste Comte on John Stuart Mill's religious thought and 
aims. She treats Mill's Three Essays on Religion, discusses his 
participation in the Mansel controversy, and offers a new interpretation of 
On Liberty and Utilitarianism, both of which were crucial instruments in 
the accomplishment of his religious mission. 
Raeder contends that Mill's religious aim was two-pronged -- the 
undermining of Christian belief and the establishment of the allegedly 
superior social morality and spirituality embodied in the "Religion of 
Humanity" that he adopted, with revisions, from Comte. Mill intended his 
philosophical writings to assist in the realization of this aim, and they 
cannot adequately be comprehended without an awareness of their 
subterranean religious theme. 
John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity examines the religious 
thought and 
aspirations of the philosopher and shows that, contrary to the conventional 
of Mill as the prototypical secular liberal, religious preoccupations 
his thought and structured his endeavors throughout his life. For a proper 
appreciation of Mill's thought and legacy, the depth of his animus toward 
traditional transcendent religion must be recognized, along with the 
of his intent to found a nontheological religion to serve as its 
Order the book from Amazon: 
About Linda Raeder: 
Linda Raeder holds an M.A. in Political Science from the University of 
Richmond (Thesis:  “F.A. Hayek on the Role of Reason in Human Affairs”) and 
a Ph.D., with distinction, in Politics from the Catholic University of 
America (Dissertation: “John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity”). 
She was awarded a Humane Studies Fellowship, a Weaver Fellowship, an 
Earhart Foundation Fellowship, an Albright Fellowship by the University of 
Richmond, and a Governor’s Fellowship by the University of Virginia. 
Dr. Raeder recently returned from a year in Germany, where she taught 
political and economic theory at the Center for U.S. Studies, Wittenberg. 
She has been Associate Editor of _Humanitas_, published by the National 
Humanities Institute, since 1994. 
Her publications include  “The Nature of Civil Society:  an American 
Perspective”;  “The Liberalism/Conservatism of Burke and Hayek: A Critical 
Comparison”;  “Liberalism and the Common Good: A Hayekian Perspective on 
Communitarianism”;  “Education and the Free Society”;  and  “Marxism as 
As a conference participant, she has presented papers such as “Civil 
Society and the Renewal of American Culture”;  “The Nature of Civil 
Society’;  “The Psychological Presidency”;  “Liberalism and the Common 
Good”; and  “The Rule of 
Linda Raeder's email address is: 
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Her web page is at: 
All interested parties are welcome. Thanks, 
Greg Ransom 
Hayek-L list host 
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