I thank Kent Rasmussen for his endorsement of what _The Oxford Companion to Mark Twain_ really is and does. I meant the essays to contribute to a conversation about Mark Twain’s works and their enduring interest and value. I took seriously the idea that the book is a _companion_ for those who read Mark Twain. I hoped to broaden the conversation by pulling in those who have not been privy to the academic debates, and to deepen the discussion among those of us who are professional literary critics. I don’t think professionals and amateurs should have fully separate discussions, and so, frankly, I tried to avoid jargon and to be true to the subject matter by allowing the occasional bit of humor to creep in. I’ve been heartened by the response the book has received so far in the popular press and among lovers of Twain. I trust the intelligence of the reading public, and the reading public seems to appreciate that trust. I confess I’m miffed that anyone would judge the book by its jacket copy. It seems that university presses tout most of their books as “definitive,” right up until about two years later when they publish the next “definitive” study on the same topic. I never claimed to be either definitive or comprehensive, and as a scholar I believe that when one can write a truly definitive exegesis of an author, it’s because the author’s works are no longer living parts of culture. Judging from the "war thread" here, I'd say Twain's presence is very lively. At any rate, I’d much rather my book be judged by the intentions expressed in the preface than by the breathless copy written by OUP’s spinmeisters. One of the reasons I wrote the book the way I did was that I did not want to repeat what Kent had already done so well. _Mark Twain A-Z_ is a superb book; it seemed to me pointless to try to compete with it. When Oxford approached me to write the _Companion_, _A-Z_ was not yet out, but I had heard that it was on its way. When I raised that concern with Oxford, they said not to worry, that a Facts-on-File book would have a different kind of focus, and so it did. Oxford explicitly asked me to write a book that would synthesize and add to the body of criticism, but that would be written for a general audience. I liked the challenge and agreed to go with it. For various reasons, OUP modified that original plan late in the game. My content and focus did not change, and will not change. I hope the book will do exactly what Kent says it does in providing “fuel for the imagination.” And that even he finds in it a “Golconda of esoteric information and stimulating insights” pleases me greatly. Thanks again, Kent. Gregg Camfield P.S. There’s a story—which may be fascinating for those who know about the weird publishing history of some of Mark Twain’s books—behind the way the press first asked me to write this book and then changed its own conception of what the book should be. That history explains some of the quirks in the book, but I’ll save that story for after hours over a whiskey at the next Elmira Twain conference.