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Albert Hirschman is a priviledged mind, who has always concentrated his research efforts
in the field of Political Economy. All his writings have this broad social science
outlook. He was always very critical of a straigth-minded economics, which is unable to
see the social embeddness of economic phenomena. This being the case, he has nothing to do
with Becker or other authors who are commonly associated with the so-called economicsīs
Among the many things he wrote, I am particularly fond of two books: Exit, Voice, and
Loyalty, but also of his Shifting Involvements, published for the first time in 1982 by
Princeton University Press. In this book Hirschman criticizes the conventional consumer
theory, arguing that it does not pay due attention to the fact that goods not only
generate satisfaction to the consumer, they can also generate disappointment and
Ana Maria Bianchi 
Universidade de Sao Paulo 
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