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A colleague in my (Catholic) university's political philosophy department is writing a
paper on the subject of religious "corporatism". He asked me if I knew of any economic
critiques of the Catholic Church's social doctrine that PRE-DATE "Centesimus Annus". There
are plenty that came out after that encyclical was issued in May, 1991, but he has found
very little commentary before 1991 by economists on the encyclicals and other documents
that constituted the social doctrine -- or social magisterium -- of the church. I wasn't
much help to him because my own draft commentary post-dates "Centesimus Annus" and has yet
to be completed. All I could do was to suggest that he put his question to A.M.C.
Waterman, Alex Chafuen or Robert Sirico.
Can anyone suggest some sources on this topic? 
Sam Bostaph 
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