----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
1. Regarding the ontology of the supreme electronic being, perhaps we might spell it
Int_rn_t, not taking Its name in vain. Is there a spontaneous order at work here, or are
our holistic existentialists correct? The mind boggles.
2. Regarding the grammar of laisser faire.  Castoriadis once complained about the lack of
infinitives in modern greek (as opposed to ancient greek) and that you cannot have
philosophy in a language without infinitives.  So it seems that the infinitive form is the
most appropriate for the concept of "laisser faire".  In french, of course, the expression
is not a foreign one and there is no reason why it should be ossified eiter in the
imperative or in the infinitive form.  [cf. the use of "le jogging" in french]. Thus, to
allow a variation on a rococo theme, Boisguilbert (Dissertation) writes:
>Tant, encore une fois, qu'on laisse faire la nature, on ne doit rien craindre de pareil. 
Nicos Theocarakis, 
U. of Athens, Greece 
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