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There is considerable interaction between the Catholic views on the one 
hand, and Orthodox, Protestant and Episcopalian (Anglican) views on the 
While there is no official Protestant, Episcopalian or Orthodox view of 
Corporatism, the following are worth acquaintance: please excuse the mixed 
bibliographical styles, as I have merged several bibliographies to produce 
the following list. 
prabhu guptara 
John Adair, Management and Morality: The Problems and Opportunities of 
Social Capitalism, David and Charles, 1974 
Kenneth R Andrews (ed), Ethics in Practice: Managing the Moral Corporation, 
Harvard Business School Press, 1989 
Melvin Anshen (ed), Managing the Socially Responsible Corportion, 
Macmillan, 1974 
Robert Banks and K Powell (eds.), Faith in Leadership, Jossey-Bass, 2000 
(see my review of this book in Third Way magazine, U.K.) 
Barlow, Sanna. Anthony T. Rossi, Christian and Entrepreneur: The Story of 
The Founder of Tropicana. Downers Grove, IL.: InterVarsity Press, 1986. 
Norman Barry, The Morality of Business Enterprise, Aberdeen University 
Press, 1991 
Vincent E Barry, Moral Issues in Business, Wadsworth Publishing Co, 
Belmont, California, 1983 
E. Calvin Beisner, Prosperity & Poverty: A Compassionate Use of Resources 
in a World of Scarcity, Crossway Books, USA 
Daniel Bell, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Twentieth 
Anniversary Edition 1996, Basic Books/HarperCollins, USA (original edition, 
George C S Benson, Business Ethics in America, Lexington Books, 1982 
John Bernbaum & S. Steer, Why Work? Careers & Employment in Biblical 
Perspective, Baker Book House, USA, 1986 
Kenneth Blanchard & Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Ethical Management, 
Heinemann Kingswood, UK, 1988 
Ron Blue, Mastering Your Money (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN) 
Rowan Bosworth-Davies, Fraud in the City: Too Good to be True, Penguin, 
Marvin T Brown, Working Ethics: Strategies for Decision Making and 
Organizational Responsibility, Jossey-Bass, 1990 
Larry Burkett, Business By the Book: The Complete Guide of Biblical 
Principles for Business, Nelson Publishers, USA, 1990 
Andrew Campbell et al, A Sense of Mission, Economist Books/Hutchinson, UK, 
Sir Fred Catherwood, The Christian from 9 to 5, Zondervan, USA, 1983 
Sir Fred Catherwood, The Christian in Industrial Society, Inter-Varsity 
Press, UK, 1964 
Sir Fred Catherwood, At the Cutting Edge, Hodder & Stoughton, UK, 1995 
Richard Chewning, Biblical Principles and Business: The Foundations, 
NavPress, 1989, Colorado Springs, USA, 1987 
Richard Chewning, Business Ethics in a Changing Culture, Reston Publishing, 
Reston, VA, USA, 1984 
Chewning et al, Business Through the Eyes of Faith, Apollos/Inter-Varsity 
Press, UK & USA, 1990 
Coad, Roy. The Biography of Sir John W. Laing, C.B.E. (1879-1978) London, 
UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 1979. 
Jeffrey Comment, Mission In the Marketplace, MITM, USA, 1995.   
Gordon Cook, Chapel in the Midst: Mundane Mission - An Autobiography, 
Lutterworth, 1994 
Ellen T Curtiss and Philip A Untersee, Corporate Responsibilities and 
Opportunities to 1990, Lexington Books, 1979 
William Danker, Profit for the Lord, Eerdmans, 1971 
Max DePree, Leadership Jazz, Doubleday/ Dell Trade Paperback, New York, 
1992, US$12.95 (See also his earlier book, Leadership is an Art) 
William, Diehl, Thank God It's Monday, Fortress Press, USA, 1982 
Thomas Donaldson, The Ethics of International Business, Oxford University 
Press, 1993. 
Thomas Donaldson and A. R. Gini, Case Studies in Business Ethics, Simon and 
Schuster, 1984 
Peter F. Drucker, Post-Capitalist Society, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993 
Peter F Drucker, Managing in a Time of Great Change, Butterworth-Heinemann, 
Peter F Drucker, Management Challenges for the 21st Century, 
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999 
Engstrom & Dayton, The Art of Management for Christian Leaders, Word Books, 
USA, 1976 
David and Dorothy Enlow, Saved from Bankruptcy, Moody Press, USA, 1975 
Raymond P Ewing, Managing the New Bottom Line: Issues Management for Senior 
Executives, Dow Jones Irwin, 1987 
Michael P Fogarty, Company Responsibility and Participation: A New Agenda, 
PEP, 1975 
Alan Fox, Beyond Contract: Work, Power and Trust Relationships, Faber, 
Patricia Franklin, Profits of Deceit: Dispatches from the Front Lines of 
Fraud, Mandarin, 1990 
Diego Gambetta, Trust: Making and Breaking Co-operative Relationships, 
Oxford University Press, 1988 
Thomas M Garrett & Richard J. Klonoski, Business Ethics, Prentice Hall, 
USA, 1986 
Thomas M Garrett, Business Ethics, Merideth Publishing, 1966 
Bob Goudzwaard, Globalization and the Kingdom of God, Baker Books, USA, 
paperback, 123 pages, $11.99 
W Fred Graham et al, Reforming Economics: A Christian Perspective on 
Economic Theory & Practice, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, USA 
John Gray, Moral Foundations of Market Institutions, Institute of Economic 
Affairs, Health & Welfare series number 10, London, 1992 
Stephen Green, Serving God? Serving Mammon?, Marshall Pickering, UK, 1996, 
£4.99 (SG is the Treasurer of HSBC....) 
Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership, Paulist Press, USA, 1977 
Griffin, Emilie.  The Reflective Executive: A Spirituality of Business and 
Enterprise, Crossroads, 1993  
Brian Griffiths, The Creation of Wealth, Inter-Varsity Press, USA, 1984 
Brian Griffiths, Morality and the Marketplace, Hodder, London, 1980 
Douglas Groothuis, Cyberspace, The Trinity Forum Resource Collection (5210 
Lyngate Court, Suite B, Burke, VA 22015-1631; Tel: 703-764.1070 Fax: 
703-764.0993), USA, 1997, $7.00 
Graham Guest, ....Please Leave Quietly: People, Power & Purpose at Work, St 
Andrew's Press, UK, 1987 
Hasner, LaRue, Tone - The Ethics of Management, Irwin, 1991 
Donald A. Hay, Economics Today: A Christian Critique, Apollos/ 
InterVarsity, USA, 1989 
Verne E Henderson, What's Ethical in Business? McGraw-Hill, 1992 
Chua Wee Hian, Making of a Leader, Inter-Varsity Press, USA, 1987 
Richard Higginson, Called to Account, Eagle & Highland, 1993 
Richard Higginson, Living with Affluence - Prosperity, Prayer and the 
Christian Business Person, Gover Books, 1992 
Richard Higginson, Transforming Leadership, SPCK, forthcoming April 1996 
James Hind, The Heart and Soul of Effective Management: A Christian 
Approach to Managing and Motivating People, Victor Books, USA, 1989 
W Michael Hoffman & Jennifer Mills Moore, Business Ethics: Readings and 
Cases in Corporate Morality, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, 1990 
John Houck & Oliver Williams (Eds), Co-creation and Capitalism: John Paul 
II's Laborem exercens, University Press of America, 1983 
Graham Houston, Virtual Morality: Christian Ethics in the Computer Age, 
Apollos/IVP, USA, 234 pp, UK£14.99 
Michael Iven (ed), Industry and Values: The Objectives and  
Responsibilities of Business, George C Harrap, 1970 
Neil H Jacoby, Corporate Power and Social Responsibility: A Blueprint for 
the Future, Macmillan, 1973 
Neil H Jacoby, Bribery and Extortion in World Business, Peter Nehembis and 
Richard Eells, Macmillan, 1977 
David J Jeremy, Capitalists & Christians, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1991 
David J Jeremy, A Business History of Britain, 1900-1990s, Oxford 
University Press, 1998 
David J Jeremy, Religion, Business and Wealth in Modern Britain, Routledge, 
Oliver A Johnson, Ethics: Selections from Classical and Contemporary 
Writers, Rinehart and Winston, 1977 
Laurie Beth Jones, Jesus CEO, Hyperion, USA, $10.95 
David Kauffman, Managers with God: Continuing the Work Christ Began, Herald 
Press, Scottdale, PA, USA, 1990 
Robin K Klay, Counting the Cost: The Economics of Christian Stewardship, 
Eerdmans, USA, 1987 
Peter Koslowski(ed), Ethics in Economics, Business and Economic Policy, 
Springer-Verlag, 1991 
Carl Kreider, The Rich & the Poor - A Christian Perspective on Global 
Economics, Herald Press, USA, 1987 
Yerachmiel Kugel and Gladys W Gruenberg, Ethical Perspectives on Business 
and Society, Lexington Boioks, 1977 
Maurice Lately, Tyranny: A Study in the Abuse of Power, Penguin, 1969 
L H Leigh, The Control of Commercial Fraud, Heinemann, 1982 
C S Lewis, Mere Christianity, Fontana Paperbacks, 1962 
James F Lincoln, A New Approach to Industrial Economics, Devin Adair 
Publishing, Greenwich, CT, USA, 1961 
Henk van Luijk and Guido Corbetta, Brian Harvey (ed), Market Morality and 
Company Size, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991 
Francis P McHugh, Keyguide to Information Sources in Business Ethics, 
Mansell Publishing, UK, 1988  
Francis P McHugh, Ethics, Macmillan, 1991 
Jack Mahoney, Teaching Business Ethics in the UK, Europe & the USA: A 
Comparative Study, Athlone Press, UK, 1990 
Adrian Mann, No Small Change: Money, Christians and the Church, The 
Canterbury Press, Norwich, 1992 
James Margach, The Abuse of Power: The War Between Downing Street and the 
Media, W H Allen, 1979 
Gerald Mars, Cheats at works: An Anthropology of Workplace Crime, George 
Allen and Unwin, 1982 
P.D.V.Marsh, Business Ethics, Associated Business Press, 1980 
Masters, Peter. Men of Purpose, Revised Edition. London, UK.: Wakeman 
Trust, 1989. 
Alexander J Matejko, A Christian Approach to Work and Industry, Mellen 
Press, UK and USA, 1989 (ISBN 0-88946-156-2), $109.95 
John B Matthews, Kenneth E Goodpaster and Laura L Nash, Policies and 
Person: A Casebook in Business Ethics, McGraw-Hill, 1991 
J Melrose-Woodman and I Kuernal, Towards Social Responsibility: Company 
Codes of Ethics and Practise, British Institute of Management, 1976 
Christopher & Senger Meyer, Peter. Fast Cycle Time, The Free Press, 1993 
Rober A G Monks and Nell Minow, Power and Accountability, Harper Collins, 
Gary Moore, Ten Golden Rules for Financial Success: Riches I've Gathered 
from the Legendary Fund Manager Sir John Templeton, Zondervan, 1996 
Gary Moore (Ed)r, Spiritual Investments: Wall Street Wisdom from the Career 
of Sir John Templeton, Templeton Foundation Press, UK and USA,1998 
David Murray, Ethics in Organizations, Kogan Page, UK, 1997, £13.99 
* Laura L Nash, Believers in Business, Thomas Nelson, USA, 1994, can't 
trace exactly what it costs in US$ but it costs UK£13.50 in the UK.  Well 
worth reading for its insights into the lives and work of "evangelical" 
(i.e. Catholic as well as Protestant) CEOs, mostly in the USA 
Laura L Nash, Good Intentions Aside: A Manager's Guide to Resolving Ethical 
Problems, Harvard Business School Press, 1990 
Michael Novak, Business as a Vocation, The Free Press, USA, 1996, US$22.50 
(Novak's political economics is not too far from Sirico's). 
Michael Novak, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Simon & Schuster, USA, 
Michael Novak and John W Cooper. The Corporation:  A Theological Enquiry, 
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981 
Edward J O'Boyle (Ed), Teaching the Social Economics Way of Thinking, 
Mellen Press, 1999 
Frederick Phillips,. 45 Years With Phillips. Salem, Oregon, Grosvenor, 
Scott H Partridge, Cases Studies in Business Ethics, Simon and Schuster, 
Mark Pastin, The Hard Problems of Management: Gaining the Ethics Edge, 
Jossey-Bass, 1986 
Robert Payne, The Corrupt Society, Praeger, 1975 
Heinrich Pesch, Liberalism, Socialism and Christian Order (4 vols), first 3 
volumes 2000, 2000 and 2001; last volume due soon; Mellen Press, UK and USA 
(based on a Aristotelian-Thomist presmises and on the social encyclicals of 
the Roman Catholic Church). 
William Pollard, The Soul of a Firm, Harper & Row, USA, 1996 (ISBN: 
Max de Pree, Leadership Jazz, Dell Trade Paperback, USA, 1992, US$12.95 
(See also his earlier book, Leadership is an Art, and his most recent book, 
Leading Without Power, from Jossey Bass in the USA, 1997)) 
Jon C Purdy, Parables at Work, Westminster Press, 1985 
Redekop, Calvin W. and Redekop, Benjamin W., Editors. Entrepreneurs in the 
Faith Community, Profiles of Mennonites in Business. Scottdale, PA.: Herald 
Press, 1996. 
Calvin Redekop et al, Mennonite Entrepreneurs, Johns Hopkins Press, USA, 
1995.  This relatively recent study unveils the story of simple faith 
adjusting to complex economic times. 
R Eric Reidenback and Donald P Robin, Ethics and Profits: A Convergence of 
Corporate America's Economic and Social Responsibilities, Prentice-Hall, 
W. Michael Reisman, Folded Lies: Bribery, Crusaders and Reforms, Free 
Press, 1979 
Steve Robinson (Ed). Healthier Profits:  Business, Success and the Green 
Factor, The Environment Foundation, UK, 1986 
Stuart Rock and Carol Kennedy(ed), Power, Performance and Ethics, 
Butterwoth-Heinemann, 1991 
Sanna B Rossi, Anthony T Rossi, Christian & Entrepreneur, Inter-Varsity 
Press, 1986 
Myron Rush, Lord of the Marketplace, Victor Books, USA, 1986 
Myron Rush, Management: A Biblical Approach, Victor Books, USA, 1983 
Leland Ryken, Christian Perspectives on Work & Leisure, Multnomah Press, 
USA, 1987 
Leland Ryken, Worldly Saints: The Puritans as They Really Were, Zondervan, 
Grand Rapids, USA, 1986 
J Oswald Sanders, Paul the Leader, NAVPRESS, USA, 1984 
Michael Schluter and David Lee, The R Factor, Hodder, UK, 1993 £7.99 (see 
also the latest book, The R Option, which is being sent to me but I don't 
have bibliographical details to hand). 
Christian Schumacher, To Live and Work: A Theological Interpretation, MARC 
Europe, UK, 1987 
Christian Schumacher, God in Work, Lion Publishing, UK, 1998 
A. Sen, Moral Codes and Economic Success, Development Economics Research 
Programme (Paper No. 49), STICERD, London School of Economics, London 1993 
Doug Sherman and William Hendricks, Keeping your Ethical Edge sharp, 
Navpress, 1990 
Tom Sine, Wild Hope, Monarch, UK, 1992 
Tom Sine, Mustard Seed vs. McWorld, Monarch, UK, 1999 
Peter Singer (ed), A Companion to Ethics, Blackwell, 1991 
John F Sleeman, Economic Crisis: A Christian Perspective, SCM Press, 1976 
N Craig Smith, Morality & the Market: Consumer Pressure for Corporate 
Accountability, Routledge, UK, 1990 
Robert C Solomon, Ethics & Excellence, Oxford University Press, 1993 
George Soros, The Crisis of Global Capitalism, Little Brown,  
Russell Sparkes, The Ethical Investor, Harper Collins, UK, 1995, £9.99  
Max Stackhouse, Public Theology and Political Economy, Eerdmans, USA, 1987 
Russell B Stevnson Jr, Corporations and Information Secrecy, Access and 
Disclosure, John Hopkins, 1980 
Richard A. Swenson, Margin - Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and 
Time Reserve to Overloaded Lives, NavPress, 1992  
Lynda King Taylor and Alan Reid, Can you Succeed in Business and still get 
to Heaven? Mangement Motivation and Ethics in a Changing World, Associated 
Business Programmes, 1978 
Ben Thompson-McCausland and Derek Biddle. Change, Business Performance and 
Values, Gresham Paper on Ethics and Business, Gresham College, London, UK, 
Barbara Ley Toffler, Tough Choices: Managers Talk Ethics, Wiley, 1986 
Barbara Ley Toffler, Managers Talk Ethics, Wiley, 1991 
John P Tiemstra (Ed), Reforming Economics: Calvinist Studies on Methods and 
Institutions, Mellen Press, USA and UK, 1990 (ISBN: 0-88946-924-5), $99.95 
Rob van Drimmelen, Faith in a Global Economy: A Primer for Christians, WCC 
Publications, Geneva, Switzerland, 1998, 156 pages, UK£6.50 
Vardy, Business Morality, Monarch, UK, 1992 
Douglas Vickers, Economics and Man, The Craig Press, USA, 1976 
Miroslav Volf, Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work, Oxford 
University Press, New York, 1991 
Marion Wade, The Lord is My Counsel, Prentice Hall, USA, 1966 
Walsh, Brian & Middleton, J. Richard.  The Transforming Vision, Shaping a 
Christian Worldview,  InterVarsity Press, 1984 
Ingo Walter, Secret Money: The Shadowy world of Tax Evasion, Capital Flight 
and Fraud, Unwin, 1985 
William B Walton, Innkeeper: A co-founder of Holiday Inns Inc., Tyndale 
House, USA, 1987 
Alan Wilkinson, Christian Socialism: Scott Holland to Tony Blair, SCM 
Press, UK, 1998, 302 pp, UK£14.95 
Oliver F Williams & John W Houck, The Judaeo-Christian Vision and the 
Modern Corporation, University of Notre Dame, 1982 
Oliver F Williams & John W Houck, Full Value: Cases in Christian Business 
Ethics, Harper & Row, USA, 1978 
J T Winpenny, Values for the Environment: A Guide to Economic appraisal, 
HMSO, UK, 1991 
Ronald Wraith and Edgar Simpkins, Corruption in Developing countries, 
George Allen and Unwin, 1963 
Zondervan,Christian Women at Work,  early 1980s. 
The Christian Entrepreneur, Herald Press, USA, 1980 
Not Just a Job, Inter-Varsity Press, USA, 1985 
William Allen Zulker, John Wanamaker, King of Merchants, Eaglecrest Press, 
USA, 1973.  A revealing story of a Horation Alger sort of executive who was 
shaped by Biblical faith. 
It is also worth keeping up with the following journal: 
Faith in Business, published quarterly by The Ridley Hall Foundation, 
Cambridge, UK (Ridley Hall is part of the University of Cambridge); 
website: www.fibq.org 
Lastly, the work of the following organisations: 
Association of Christian Economists http://users.aber.ac.uk/arh/ace.html 
(they also publish The ACE Journal) 
Business Reform operates a free online news service in conjunction with 
WorldNetDaily. WorldNetDaily is the publisher of Whistleblower magazine and 
was founded by Christians. Business Reform is the publisher of Business 
Reform magazine which focuses on helping Christians apply biblical teaching 
to their daily business lives. The free news site: 
http://www.wnd.com/BizNetDaily/ features news items gathered by 
WorldNetDaily staff from around the world and 
commentary on the news from a Christian perspective written by Business 
Reform columnists. 
London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (www.licc.org.uk)   
Zadok Institute, PO Box 2182, Fitzroy 3065, Australia www.zadok.org.au 
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