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Death notices for T.E. Gregory appeared in the Times (19 January 1971, page 
14) and the Economic Journal (June 1971, page 383) and an obituary  by 
Lionel Robbins appeared in the Times (3 February 1971, page 14).  I have a 
recollection of seeing another obituary also.   
In July 1930, Gregory came to Australia as an expert advisor to Otto 
Niemeyer's mission from the Bank of England.  Whilst here, he delivered the 
Joseph Fisher Lecture at the University of Adelaide (25 August 1930), in 
which he referred to his "friend and colleague on the Macmillan Committee, 
Professor Keynes".  One theme of his lecture was that attempts to inflate 
the economy would be "fatal ... a very risky and dangerous expedient". 
Robert Leeson 
Murdoch University  
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