----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear HES: 
I have received an inquiry from person who possesses several mimeographed 
papers and speeches from Gunnar Myrdal, mostly written in the 1960s and 
delivered in different venues.  Their topics range from government 
organization to race to agricultural and third-world development.  He 
doubts (but is not certain) that any of them were published. 
He has asked me where is the best place to deposit these materials.  He is 
quite keen to ensure that they do not end up neglected in some basement 
somewhere. So he would prefer an institution which already has a collection 
of Myrdal materials, one where scholars researching him naturally turn to. 
Does anybody on this list have an idea where that might be, or might know 
whom I could ask? 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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