The first copy of _Adventures of Huckleberry Finn_ was bound on November 26, 1884. The November 6 date on the recent review is an error on my part and I have corrected it on the web version of the review. Thanks for spotting that one, Bob. The complete reference note is in regard to the unused "Dedication" and reads: This page, apparently on the same paper as MS2, survives tipped into a copy of the first American edition in which Webster wrote: "This copy of 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' was bound by J. F. Tapley Nov. 26th 1884, and is the first copy ever bound." Webster signed his note "Charles L. Webster | Publisher," and added at the bottom of the dedication page, "(Never used. Chas. L. Webster)" (p. 695). The editors do not give the present location of this first bound, first edition. Barb