----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Topic is also discussed in: 
Blitz R. C., (1961), Some Classical Economists and Their Views on the Economics of
Education, "Economica".
Bowman R. S., (1990), Smith, Mill and Marshall on Human Capital Formation, "History of
Political Economy", 22, 2.
Kiker B. F., (1969), The Classical Economists and Education, "Kyklos", 22, 4. 
Miller W. L., (1966), The Economics of Education in English Classical Economics, "Southern
Economic Journal", 32, 3.
O'Donnel M. G., (1985), The Educational Thought of Classical Political Economists,
University Press of America.
West E. G., (1964), Adam Smith Two Views on the Division of Labour, "Economica", february.
West E. G., (1964), Private versus Public Education. A Classical Economic Dispute,
"Journal of Political Economy", 72, 5.
West E. G., (1965), Education and the State, London, Institute of Economic Affairs. 
Stefano Spalletti 
Università di Macerata 
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