----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[See http://www.eh.net/lists/archives/hes/oct-2003/0118.php] 
My intuition is that David Mitch is right that the terms did come from Geertz, but
probably via Stanley Fish, formerly of Duke, to Roy, et al., but I am only guessing.
Mat (This doesn't count as breaking my promise to not post on this topic anymore, although
I reserve my right to break it in the future).
[Let me remind everyone that there are no maximum number of post restrictions.  One of the
nice things about the list is that when you "speak" you aren't cutting anyone off. I know
you can "over post" and self-censorship is a good thing, but when deciding whether or not
to send a message to the list, please consider the fact that you have interesting
contributions to make. As a subscriber, I'm glad the list is active and I look forward to
learning where "thick" and "thin" came from. HB]
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