----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The Distinguished Fellows Committee of the History of Economics Society invites
suggestions of candidates for the 2004 Distinguished Fellow award. Distinguished Fellows
are honored for their lifetime accomplishment in the history of economics.
A list of Distinguished Fellows is available at 
To recommend a candidate, send the candidate's CV and a supporting letter of no more than
two pages to Kevin Hoover by December 15, 2003 (e-mail preferred).
    Kevin Hoover 
    Department of Economics 
    University of California 
    Davis, CA  95616-8578 
    FAX 530 752-9382 
    E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
2003-04 Distinguished Fellows Committee 
    John Davis 
    Dan Hammond 
    Kevin Hoover, Chair 
Kevin D. Hoover 
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