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Larry Moss wrote: 
>I remember Keynes reviewed Mises's 1912 book on money and admitted (in the 
review [I believe]) that his German was not as proficient as he would have 
Keynes's review of Mises was published in 1914. It was much later that 
Keynes wrote in his Treatise on Money (1930, Vol 1, p. 199n2) that: 
"in German I can clearly understand what I already know, so that new ideas 
are apt to be veiled from me by the difficulties of the language" 
Many Austrians have cited this; See, e.g., Rothbard's essay on "Keynes, the 
Man" in Skousen, ed., Dissent on Keynes, 1992. 
Mathew Forstater 
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