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Oeconomicus, Volume VI, Winter 2003 
UMKC Student-Refereed Journal 
ISSN: 1546-2803 
Table of Contents 
Editors' Note 
How do Firms and the Economy Benefit from Parents? 
By Zdravka K. Todorova 
Got Buckaroos? 
By Jonathan Watkins 
Debunking the Myth of the Social Security Crisis 
By Udomdej Leesengheng 
Who is going broke - Uncle Sam or you? 
By Zdravka K. Todorova 
What did you See?: Different Visions of Economic Methodology 
By D. Marshall Meador (UMKC) 
A Public Policymaker's Dilemma: Economic Development Meets Complexity 
By Dan Melton (UMKC) 
HIV/AIDS in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Global Finance 
By Zdravka K. Todorova (UMKC) 
Books Reviews: 
A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936 ( John E. King, 2001) 
Reviewed by Eric Tymoigne (UMKC) 
A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics (edited by Ric Holt and Steven  
Pressman, 2001) 
Reviewed by Fadhel Kaboub (UMKC) 
Books Received: 
Review one of these books and get a free copy of the book! 
The Eighth International Post Keynesian Workshop (June 19-29, 2004) 
Oeconomicus call for papers 
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