----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
The History of Economics Society invites nominations (including 
self-nominations) for its Best Article award for 2003. Please send a copy 
of the article that you wish to nominate to the chair of the Best Article 
committee at the address at the end of this posting, along with a brief 
note explaining why you consider it the Best Article on the history of 
economic thought published in 2003, by January 19, 2004. 
The HES Best article committee consists of Marcel Boumans (chair, Univ. of 
Amsterdam), Tony Aspromourgos (Univ. of Sydney), Spencer Banzhaf (Resources 
for the Future), Robert Dimand (Brock Univ.), Perry Mehrling (Barnard 
College, Columbia Univ.), and Salim Rashid (Univ. of Illinois at 
Marcel Boumans 
HES Best Article Committee 
Department of Economics 
University of Amsterdam 
Roetersstraat 11 
1018 WB Amsterdam 
The Netherlands 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
fax: +31 20 525 4254 
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