Centre for Refugee Studies, York University
Summer Course on Refugee Issues
Toronto, June 5 – 13, 2004

The Centre for Refugee Studies’ Summer Course offers postgraduate training in refugee issues for up to seventy practitioners inside and outside government who work on some aspect of refugee protection or assistance. The course includes panel discussions, case studies, a simulation exercise, and lectures from international experts. A York University/Centre for Refugee Studies Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the eight-day program.

Sessions will include:

·       Root Causes and Consequences of Forced Displacement;
·       Ethics of Forced Migration;
·       The UNHCR;
·       Interdiction of Illegal Migrations: Strengthening the Western Fortress after 9/11;
·       Cultural Psychology of Refugees;
·       An Overview of the Convention Refugee Definition;
·       Statelessness;
·       Protection for Internally Displaced Persons;
·       Globalization and Refugees;
·       The Evolution of Public Health Response in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies;
·       International Trafficking of Migrants;
·       Palestinian Refugees: So! cial, Legal and Political Dimensions of the Refugee Crisis
·       International and Regional Human Rights Remedies.

Course sessions subject to change.

Course fee: $800.
After March 31, 2004: $950.

Fees are in Canadian dollars and include course materials. Food and accommodation are extra. Reasonably priced accommodation and food are available
on campus. Partial subsidies are available for low-income participants. A limited number of internships, including full course subsidy, are available for York University graduate or law school students. Deadline for subsidy and internship application is March 31, 2004.

Payment must be made in full by April 30, 2004.
Prior to April 30, 20% of the registration fee will be non-refundable.
After April 30, 2004, the Course fee is non-refundable.

For further information and registration, please contact:
Florence Ocen, Course Coordinator
Centre for Refugee Studies, York University,
Suite 315, York Lanes, 4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3.
Phone: 416-736-5423; Fax: 416-736-5837;
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Website: www.yorku.ca/crs

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