----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Dear Colleagues, 
At this year's History of Economics Society Conference (Victoria University - Toronto,
Canada, 25 - 28 June 2004, for more information see:
http://www.eh.net/HE/HisEcSoc/carchive/HES2004/), the Society will again be holding a
workshop on teaching the history of economic thought to undergraduates.
One of the sessions of this workshop will focus on the relative merits of the textbooks
available for this course.  As we plan for this session, one obvious question is which
books should be included in the discussion.  To help us make this determination we turn to
you with the following question:
For those of you who follow a text in your syllabus, 
what book do you use? 
Please send your response to me at [log in to unmask] 
Thank you in advance for your feedback. 
Jerry Evensky 
Syracuse University 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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