----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Call for contributors - Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History 
Berkshire Publishing Group is seeking business and commerce historians and 
other experts to write an article or two for the five-volume Berkshire 
Encyclopedia of World History, to be published in January 2005. This highly 
collaborative and international project will result in a work that truly 
defines the rapidly growing field of world history. William McNeill (author 
of Rise of the West and The Human Web) is serving as the senior editor and 
is working with editors Jerry Bentley (University of Hawaii, editor of the 
Journal of World History), David Christian (University of San Diego, author 
of Maps of Time), Heidi Roupp (Founding editor of World History Connected), 
and Judith Zinsser (Miami University, author of A History of Their Own: 
Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present) and twenty other leading 
scholars and teachers serving as associate editors.  
The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History will provide a broad, connected 
picture of times past - from the Paleolithic era to the present - around 
the globe. The work covers all facets of the human experience, with a focus 
on interactions across time and space. It contains some 750 signed articles 
written by experts - 1.5 million words - along with hundreds of 
illustrations, sidebars of primary source material, and appendices to aid 
in research, teaching, and comparative study. The print edition will be 
published in five volumes a year from now. 
We have had a generous and enthusiastic response from the scholarly 
community. A majority of articles have been assigned and many have already 
been written - by leading scholars including Michael Adas (Race and Racism; 
Social Darwinism), Al Andrea (Byzantine Empire; Crusades; Travel, 
Exploration, and Contact - Overview), Ralph Croizier (Confucius; Qin Shi 
Huangdi; Revolution - China), Alfred Crosby (Columbian Exchange), Donna 
Gabaccia (Diasporas; Migrations), Marnie Hughes-Warrington (Postmodernism; 
Writing World History), Martin Marty (Religion - Overview; Religious 
Fundamentalism), John Mears (Human Evolution - Overview; Austro-Hungarian 
Empire), Kenneth Pomeranz (Economic Growth, Intensive and Extensive), 
Andrew Sherratt (Secondary Products Revolution), Peter Stearns (Social 
History; Childhood), Ian Tattersall (Paleoanthropology), and Norman Yoffee 
(State Societies, Emergence of). The comprehensive nature of our coverage 
means, however, that there is a wide range of topics to be included. These 
topics are important, relevant, and challenging - and have often not been 
fully treated from a world history perspective before. 
This is an exciting, challenging opportunity to be part of the community of 
historians (and anthropologists, archaeologists, and scholars from other 
disciplines) who are exploring and defining world history in a 
groundbreaking resource for students and general readers. We welcome 
contributions from scholars and teachers and will be glad to provide you 
with detailed writing guidelines and sample articles.  
Contributors who write 2000 words or more will receive a free set of the 
encyclopedia (estimated retail value: $600), and those who write more than 
4000 words will receive an honorarium as well. All articles will be 
peer-reviewed by the board of editors, and authors will be fully 
acknowledged in the published work. 
Please see the list of business and commerce-related articles that remain 
unassigned at the bottom of this letter. If you are interested in writing 
any of the articles on the list, send a message indicating which article(s) 
you're interested in writing, along with a paragraph about your position, 
experience, and major relevant publications (we do not need a CV at this 
stage), to our project editor, Sarah Conrick, at 
[log in to unmask] We look forward to hearing from you. 
With best regards,  
David Levinson 
Project Director 
Editor-in-chief of the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Cultures (Macmillan 
Berkshire's most recent publication in this area is the Encyclopedia of 
World Environmental History (Berkshire/Routledge 2003), edited by Shepard 
Krech III, John R. McNeill, and Carolyn Merchant: "This is the most 
ambitious effort yet to offer a comprehensive overview of the long-term 
history of human interactions with the natural world on a truly planetary 
scale. Contributors include some of the world's leading environmental 
historians and the Encyclopedia of World Environmental History should be a 
standard reference tool for years to come."--William Cronon, Frederick 
Jackson Turner Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies, 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
Headword        Length   
Cereals 750      
Coal    750      
Copra   750      
Fur     750      
Guilds  750      
International Monetary Systems  750      
Internationalism        2000     
Locke, John     750      
Mineral Ores    750      
Natural Gas     750      
Periodization of Economic Development   2000     
Phosphates      750      
Precious Stones 750      
Property Rights and Contracts   2000     
Reciprocity     1000     
Tariffs 2000     
Trade Cycles    2000     
Trading Patterns, Ancient Asian 2000     
Trading Patterns, Indian Ocean  2000     
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