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The Adam Smith Review, volume 1, 2004 
The first volume of the Adam Smith Review to be published in Autumn 2004.  
ASR is a multidisciplinary scholarly annual review, sponsored by the 
International Adam Smith Society (www.adamsmithsociety.net), which provides 
a unique forum for debate and scholarship on all aspects of Adam Smith's 
works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings for the 
modern world.  ASR is intended as a resource for Adam Smith scholarship in 
the widest sense, and the Editor welcomes suggestions and proposals for 
future developments. Proposals to translate into English significant works 
relating to Adam Smith published in other languages are welcomed. Offers to 
edit symposia are also invited. 
Submissions to the Adam Smith Review are invited from any theoretical, 
disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach (max. 10,000 words, in English). 
Contributors are asked to make their arguments accessible to a wide 
multidisciplinary readership without sacrificing high standards of argument 
and scholarship. 
Please send all papers, suggestions, and offers to edit symposia to the 
Vivienne Brown, Editor, the Adam Smith Review, Faculty of Social Sciences, 
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK; 
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Book Reviews  
Books relating to Adam Smith or of more general relevance for Adam Smith 
scholarship will be reviewed in the Adam Smith Review. It is editorial 
policy to invite authors to respond to reviews of their work. Offers to 
review works published in languages other than English are welcomed. Please 
contact the Book Review Editor: 
James Otteson, Book Review Editor, the Adam Smith Review, Department of 
Philosophy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0218, USA; 
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Editorial Board  
Neil De Marchi (Department of Economics, Duke University, USA) 
Stephen Darwall (Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, USA) 
Douglas Den Uyl (Liberty Fund, USA) 
Samuel Fleischacker (Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois, 
Chicago, USA) 
Charles L. Griswold (Department of Philosophy, Boston University, USA) 
Knud Haakonssen (Department of Philosophy, Boston University, USA) 
Hiroshi Mizuta (Japan Academy, Japan) 
John Mullan (Department of English, University College London, UK) 
Takashi Negishi (Japan Academy, Japan) 
Nicholas Phillipson (Department of History, University of Edinburgh, UK) 
D.D. Raphael (Imperial College, London, UK) 
Emma Rothschild (King's College, Cambridge, UK) 
Ian Simpson Ross (University of British Columbia, Canada) 
Richard B. Sher (Department of History, New Jersey Institute of 
 University,Newark, USA) 
Andrew S. Skinner (University of Glasgow, UK) 
Kathryn Sutherland (St Anne's College, Oxford, UK) 
Keith Tribe (King's School, Worcester, UK) 
Gloria Vivenza (Dpt. Economie, Società, Istituzioni, University of Verona, 
Donald Winch (Graduate Research Centre in the Humanities, University of 
Sussex, UK) 
The Adam Smith Review is published by Routledge and will be available for 
sale in bookshops, but members of the International Adam Smith Society will 
be able to purchase it on preferential terms. For details of membership of 
the Society please contact the Membership Secretary, Ryan Patrick Hanley 
([log in to unmask]). 
Contents, Volume 1, 2004 
Richard B. Sher          
New light on the publication and reception of the Wealth of Nations  
Takashi Negishi          
Adam Smith and disequilibrium economic theory  
Ian Simpson Ross         
'Great works upon the anvil' in 1785: Adam Smith's projected corpus of 
Willie Henderson         
A very cautious, or a very polite, Dr Smith?: hedging in the Wealth of 
Christel Fricke          
Ernst Tugendhat  
Universalistically approved intersubjective attitudes: Adam Smith 
(translated by Bernard Schriebl)  
Perspectives on recent developments in Adam Smith scholarship 
Gloria Vivenza           
Reading Adam Smith in the light of the Classics  
Symposium on Emma Rothschild's Economic Sentiments  
Ryan Patrick Hanley, Guest Editor:       
Symposium Introduction  
Stephen Darwall                          
Equal dignity in Adam Smith  
Patricia Werhane                         
... laissez-faire when it was new...  
Samuel Fleischacker                      
Smith's ambiguities  
Emma Rothschild                  
Dignity or meanness  
Book Reviews   
Luc Boltanski Suffering and Distance: Morality, Media and Politics 
Reviewed by Fonna Forman-Barzilai  
Kenneth E. Carpenter Dissemination of the Wealth of Nations in France 
Reviewed by Henry C. Clark; and author's response.   
Gloria Vivenza Adam Smith and the Classics 
Reviewed by Peter McNamara; and author's response  
Jack Russell Weinstein On Adam Smith 
Reviewed by Lauren Brubaker; and author's response  
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