----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
PhD students interested in economic methodology: 
The International Network for Economic Method (INEM) will pay the 
registration fees for PhD students attending the August annual conference. 
The conference will be held 19-21 August 2004 at the Faculty of Economics 
and Econometrics, Roetersstraat 11, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The 
INEM seeks to promote links among economic methodologists, philosophers of 
economics, and economists, and aims to serve all those reflecting upon the 
methods of economics and related disciplines.  Building on the successful 
conferences last year at University of Leeds and the year before at the 
University of Stirling, the conference in Amsterdam will begin with a 
keynote address Thursday evening August 19 and continue to Saturday 
afternoon August 21, 2004.  
The conference is being organized by the History and Methodology of 
Economics Group at Amsterdam: http://www.fee.uva.nl/hme/ 
A future issue of the Journal of Economic Methodology will be devoted to 
papers from the conference. 
Please send an abstract of up 200 words for paper or session proposals by 
15 April 2004 to: 
John Davis 
Chair, INEM 
University of Amsterdam and Marquette University 
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