Campaign 2000 will release a policy perspectives paper on May 5 that lays
out responsible and realistic goals for a social investment plan over the
next five years; it addresses the structural crisis in child and family
poverty and lays out a comprehensive, multi-year strategy that includes
universally accessible ECEC services, a comprehensive child benefit,
affordable, secure housing and good jobs.  (For those around the globe,
Campaign 2000 is a cross-Canada coalition of more than ninety diverse
organizations committed to ensuring the implementation of a unanimous
resolution by the House of Commons in 1989 to end child poverty by the year
2000.)  It also identifies the changing public attitudes and opinions about
taxes and public services and outlines strategies to recover revenues that
have been lost through general tax cuts.  Check our website on May 5 at <> .

Laurel Rothman, National Coordinator

Campaign 2000 and

Director, Community Building & Social Reform

Family Service Association of Toronto

355 Church St.

Toronto, ON   M5B 1Z8

416 595-9230  ext. 228