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Published by EH.NET (June 2004) 
Astrid Ringe, Neil Rollings and Roger Middleton, _Economic Policy  
under the  Conservatives, 1951-64: A Guide to Documents in the  
National Archives of the  UK_. London: Institute of Historical  
Research and the National Archives,  2004. xxii + 325 pp. £25  
(paper), ISBN: 1-871348-93-5. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Alan Booth, Department of History, University  
of  Exeter. 
Over the past decade the University of Bristol has developed great  
expertise  in producing handbooks to twentieth century records in  
economic and social  policy at what used to be called the British  
Public Records Office  [hereafter PRO]. Astrid Ringe was Research  
Fellow and Roger Middleton is  Reader in History at the University.  
Neil Rollings, who was Research Fellow  for a previous handbook, is  
now at the University of Glasgow. The whole  project is led by Rodney  
Lowe, Professor of Contemporary History at Bristol  and Cabinet  
Office historian and the series now numbers four volumes  covering  
economic and social policy from 1939 to 1964. The handbooks aim to  
make researchers better informed of the range of materials held at  
the PRO  and better equipped to tackle the records on their research  
Previous handbooks have adopted the same organization as the PRO's  
own Guide  on a department by department basis. That job is now done  
by the PRO on-line  catalogue, or at least could be done by  
researchers with experience of using  the on-line catalogue and a  
thesaurus. The growing use of the on-line  catalogue implied a rather  
different way of organizing handbooks for  researchers. This volume  
and its companion on social welfare policy in the  period 1951-64 are  
accordingly organized initially by policy rather than by  department. 
It is divided into four parts. The first provides an introduction to  
the  economic trends of the period and the basic principles of  
researching  government policy using the PRO records. The second  
deals with external  economic policy, divided into separate  
discussions of trade and external  finance. The third section, the  
first dealing with domestic policy, is  concerned with macroeconomic  
management, again divided into two, with  separate chapters on  
monetary and budgetary policies. The final part deals  with  
"supply-side policy," with a chapter each on labor market policies  
and  capital and product market policies. Thus there are seven  
chapters in all,  six of them dealing with the records. 
Within each of these chapters, there is an introduction to the main  
policy  issues followed by a survey of the administration of the  
policy during the  period. The core of each chapter is a series of  
thumbnail sketches of each  aspect of policy and a brief description  
of the relevant records. Thus the  chapter dealing with foreign trade  
considers first British policy towards  GATT, proceeds via trade  
policy with the dollar area to the policy  discussions over trade  
with Europe, trade policy with the Commonwealth  countries (which  
takes in more general questions of development aid) and  finishes  
with a survey of bilateral trade deals. The chapter on finance and  
external monetary policy is organized in a very similar way, with  
introductory discussions of Britain's place in the Bretton Woods  
system and  an extremely useful survey of the administration of  
external financial  policy followed by thumbnail sketches of sterling  
area policy, relations  with the IMF, financial relations with the  
dollar area, policy towards the  European Payments Union and the  
European Monetary Agreement and the  financing of overseas  
development. Similarly, Chapter 4 on monetary policy  covers the  
evolution of policy before the establishment of the Radcliffe  
Committee (the Committee on the Working of the Monetary System,  
perhaps the  single most important assessment of policy during the  
Conservative years),  the impact of Radcliffe, and finally debt  
management policy. Chapter 5 on  demand management moves from the  
policy process to short- and long-term  management of public spending  
and thence to taxation. The only noteworthy  point in the other  
chapters is the inclusion of regional policy under the  labor market  
rather than on product and capital markets, which reflect the  way  
the policy operated in the period. 
Much depends on the quality of the thumbnail sketches, which vary  
significantly in sophistication and length. In the space available,  
the  complexity of the policy process is impossible to convey, but  
some sections  work much more easily than others. Those on external  
policy are extremely  informative and suggestive, those on labor and  
product/capital market  policies much more limited. The précis of  
macro-management work better as  brief, limited essays on policy  
rather than as a signpost to issues and  records. The sections  
guiding researchers to records are restricted to PRO  papers. This is  
a trite comment about a PRO handbook, but the authors  suggest that  
the formal organization of government, with decisions made in  
Cabinet and implemented in departments, and overall financial control  
vested  in the Treasury, is problematic for the 1950s and 1960s.  
Policy formulation  and implementation depended also on more diffuse  
policy networks embracing  individuals and groups from a wide range  
of public and private organizations  as well as politicians and civil  
servants. The authors claim that the  hollowing out of the British  
state, hitherto associated with Thatcherism in  the 1980s, was indeed  
evident under this earlier generation of Conservative  leaders. Any  
reader expecting references not only to PRO documents but to  
archives of other organizations and individuals -- the volume claims  
to be a  guide to records in the National Archives, comprising those  
under the  control of the Historical Manuscripts Commission as well  
as at the PRO --  will be frustrated. The authors give only the  
broadest possible indications  of other archival deposits. The  
thumbnail sketches of policy are organized  as if conforming to the  
traditional view of policy-making, with both policy  and record  
descriptions beginning with Cabinet, followed by the Treasury and  
ending with departments. Two of the four appendices reflect this  
formal  approach. Appendix 2 lists senior civil servants engaged in  
economic policy,  but makes no mention of significant others in  
policy networks, apart from a  couple of "outside" economists.  
Appendix 4 lists the personnel and terms of  reference of all the  
important Cabinet committees on economic policy. There  could be no  
deeper genuflection to the formal approach to economic policy  making  
than a long list of Cabinet committees. My own preference would have  
been to cut at least Appendix 4 and use the space for a much more  
thorough  and useful index. The volume is very helpfully organized  
for those wishing  to research a conventional policy, identifiably  
under the control of a  single department. But those interested in  
more diverse projects (government  policies on productivity or  
prices, for example) would be forced to rely  either on the wholly  
inadequate index or be forced back to the PRO on-line  index with all  
its quirks. This is less the fault of the authors, who have  clearly  
labored massively on this volume, but a lack of imagination by the  
publisher. It cries out for an electronic format to enable fast and  
effective searches. 
In short, this is an extremely useful guide for new postgraduates  
about to  embark upon work on conventional policy areas at the PRO.  
Those who expect a  guide to the economic policy papers in the  
British National Archives, as  currently defined, might claim that  
the volume has been improperly titled.  Those who know the recent  
work of some of the research team and are keen to  investigate policy  
networks will hope that the authors might find a less  restrictive  
format than a PRO handbook to develop this methodology and the  
archival strategies that will give it effect. 
Alan Booth, Reader in Economic History, University of Exeter is  
currently  working on British government and automation in the 1950s  
and 1960s. 
Copyright (c) 2004 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be  
copied  for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to  
the author and  the list. For other permission, please contact the  
EH.Net Administrator  ([log in to unmask]; Telephone:  
513-529-2229). Published by EH.Net (June  2004). All EH.Net reviews  
are archived at http://www.eh.net/BookReview. 
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