I'm on a fact finding mission and this request is addressed to others
working in Chronic Disease Prevention (specifically at public health

The Province of Ontario Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines -
December 1997 - Chronic Disease Prevention Requirements and Standards #3
talks about providing education for staff in social service and seniors'
agencies, rec departments and child care facilities with relationship to
chronic disease prevention.  As a minimum there are a couple of points to
consider with the second point (b) requiring that every 3 months a
newsletter or the Internet is used to provide information on chronic disease
prevention topics.

I would like to know how others meet this requirement.  We currently have a
newsletter going out but our sense is that it most often ends up going
directly to the client and not the staff.  It would be helpful to learn
about other approaches/formats.

Please let me know how you've handled this requirement keeping in mind what
didn't work is good to know too!

Thank you
Marilynne Kennedy
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Public Health Nurse
Chronic Disease Prevention Program - Adult
Healthy Lifestyles and Youth Branch
City of Hamilton, Public Health and Community Services Department

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