Greetings and apologies for any cross-postings!

Network Vol. 23, No. 3 is now online. This issue of Family Health
International's (FHI) scientific bulletin focuses on the issue of
integrating family planning and HIV services.

Read the full text of Network 23(3) on FHI's Web site or download a copy
(PDF) at <> .

Here is a brief summary of the issue:

Network: Integrating Services
Vol. 23, No. 3, 2004

In most settings throughout the world, family planning services and HIV
services traditionally have operated separately with little or no
integration. Family planning services primarily target married women of
reproductive age. HIV services primarily target individuals at high risk of
HIV infection. Integrating family planning and HIV services potentially can
maximize the use of existing services and minimize the number of people who
do not obtain the health care they need. But much remains unknown about how
best to integrate services and what impact such integration will have on
reproductive health outcomes, such as preventing HIV infection and
unintended pregnancy. This issue of Network, an overview of current thinking
about integration, is the first of a series of publications, supported by
the U.S. Agency for International Development, intended to encourage health
professionals to ask questions or share their experiences in regard to
service integration.


More than 3,000 full-text materials in English, Spanish and French are
available on our Web site: <> .

FHI seeks to improve lives worldwide through research, education and
services in family health.

David Hock
Senior Information Projects Coordinator
Family Health International
e-mail: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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