The programme of the 2nd Workshop on the History of Economics to be held = 
on November 26-27, 2004 at the Certosa of Pontignano near Siena, Italy, = 
is now available at the following address: 
The Workshop is an international venture aiming to provide an = 
opportunity for young scholars to discuss their research work in an open = 
and conversational setting. Four scholars at either predoctoral and = 
postdoctoral level are presenting substantial papers on different = 
The Workshop starts with a lecture by Professor Mary Morgan on "The = 
prisoners' dilemma and 'modern' economics." 
For any information please contact Carlo Zappia at [log in to unmask] 
Board and lodging for attendees may be provided at a moderate price at = 
the Certosa. 
Deadline for reservations is Oct. 25. 
Carlo Zappia 
University of Siena - Italy