------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW -------------- 
Published by EH.NET (November 2004) 
James P. Allen, _The Heqanakht Papyri_. New York: Metropolitan Museum  
of Art, distributed by Yale University Press, 2002. xvii + 297 pp. +  
57 Plates + CD. $50 (cloth), ISBN: 0-300-10318-2. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Morris Silver, Professor Emeritus, Department  
of Economics, City College of the City University of New York 
I. Introduction 
The economic historian Karl Polanyi argued that markets became  
important only in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of the  
present era. Instead of market-determined prices, the ruler (as  
representative of the gods) declared simple quantitative  
equivalencies to allow grain, oil, wine, and wool to be substituted  
for each other. A few main staples were received and given out at the  
palace gate (Polanyi 1981: 61, 134). Polanyi continues to enjoy major  
support. His influence becomes obvious in discussions of the economic  
mentality of ancient man, of the use of money/coinage and,  
especially, in the assertion that antiquity lacked markets for land  
and labor power. 
When subjected to challenge, the validity of one or another of  
Polanyi's positions is often shifted to times and places for which  
data are typically scarce and ambiguous, above all to Pharaonic  
Egypt. The latter is allegedly the epitome of a redistributional  
society. According to the Egyptologist Jacob J. Janssen (1982: 253)  
this means that "the surplus of peasant households was collected by  
the authorities, state and temple, in order to be redistributed among  
particular sections of society: officials, priests, the army,  
necropolis workmen, and so on."  However, Janssen (1975: 131, 185)  
maintains that the evidence is so scanty that "for the present, a  
study of the redistributional system in all its aspects seems the  
only possibility." 
The great value of the Heqanakht papyri is that they open a window to  
the kind of world with which economic historians are familiar.  
Private property, "economic man," money and coinage and markets for  
land and labor-power become visible, however dimly. For these  
glimpses, economic historians are greatly indebted to Egyptologist  
James P. Allen and his predecessors for their monumental efforts.  
After a brief review of the background of the Heqanakht papyri  
attention is turned to the main economic features of the papyri as  
revealed in Allen's translations (in Part I "The Texts") and his  
Chapter 8 "Economics" (in Part II "Commentary"). These features are  
placed in the context of prevailing perspectives and additional  
relevant evidence is cited when necessary. Technical matters  
primarily of interest to Egyptologists are not discussed in this  
II. Background of the Heqanakht Papyri 
The Heqanakht papyri, part of the permanent collection of the  
Metropolitan Museum of Art, are currently on display in its Egyptian  
galleries. They consist of five complete letters, four complete  
accounts, and four or five fragments. The papyri were discovered on  
the Museum's Theban expedition of 1921-22 in the tomb of one Meseh.  
Each of the complete documents was found folded; two were tied with  
string and sealed with a lump of clay impressed with the same stamp.  
The papyri are dated to the early Middle Kingdom -- i.e. to about  
2000 B.C. 
Allen improved on the previous readings of the text by means of  
examinations under various lighting conditions, with the aid of a  
microscope and by the application of computer technology. 
III Economics 
1. "Economic Man" 
According to Polanyi, "economic solipsism" is an outstanding feature  
of the market mentality. This is the view that commercial activity is  
"natural" to men and that markets would thus come into being unless  
prohibited by the government or other external forces (Polanyi 1981:  
14-15). Polanyi's main thrust anticipates classical scholars such as  
Moses Finley (1973, 1985) and Paul Millett (1991: especially 165-71),  
who maintain that, unlike modern economic man, ancient man was  
motivated primarily by considerations of status and communal  
solidarity. The postulate of wealth-maximizing used by contemporary  
economists is said to be utterly inappropriate to the "irrational,"  
that is, nonutilitarian, ancients. 
It is not easy to find historical evidence casting direct light on  
motives, whether of status or profit. However, as Allen (142) points  
out, the Heqanakht letters deal almost entirely with economic matters  
and therefore "they offer unparalleled insights into the economic  
life of a moderately well-to-do Egyptian family at the beginning of  
the Middle Kingdom." Despite obscurities in meaning, it is clear that  
Heqanakht does not possess the antimarket mentality alleged by  
Polanyi and Finley. He calculates and makes plans concerning the  
amount and types of land (watered vs. unwatered) to put under  
cultivation; crop rotations (flax vs. barley vs. emmer); how to pay  
for rented land; how much to pay out in salaries; and he keeps and  
consults accounts of his enterprise. It is abundantly obvious that  
Heqanakht was very much concerned (obsessed?) with running his  
enterprise in a manner that would make a profit and augment his  
wealth. There is little or no reason to believe, moreover, that his  
objective in this endeavor was to increase his own or his family's  
consumption of goods and services (cf. Baer 1963: 16-17) 
Heqanakht, like the merchants (sheweteyew) of Papyrus Lansing (dating  
to the second half of the second millennium) who busied themselves in  
"supplying him who has not," possessed the "marketing mind," said by  
Polanyi (1981: 5) to be "peculiar to conditions of life under the  
type of economy the nineteenth century created in all industrial  
societies." Let us also mention the warnings of Ankhsheshonqi  
(Papyrus British Museum 10508) that "the shewetey will charge for the  
water one drinks in his house" (16.5) and that "he disregards  
friendship to get his share" (28.4) (Allam 1998: 152).[2] 
2. Private Landed Property 
The Egyptologist Menu (2001: 424) states that "The soil of Egypt is  
the exclusive property of the king." This assertion is, however, the  
product of a "model," not of evidence. Indeed, Menu (2001: 425)  
mentions fields termed nemehew "privately owned." Further, when, in  
the fourteenth century BC, Akhenaten constructed the city of Amarna,  
the ruler did not claim (in his "Earlier Proclamation") that the  
land, like the rest in Egypt, was his "exclusive property." Instead,  
Akhenaten justified his claim by noting simply that the territory was  
not the property of a deity or ruler and "not the property of any  
people to do business of theirs with it." In short, the land was  
unused and Akhenaten had found it "widowed"/"abandoned" (Murnane and  
van Siclen 1993: 37-8). 
The evidence provided by Heqanakht is not voluminous but it is to the  
point. Not only does Heqanakht refer three times to "my land," (149)  
but the entire tenor of his communications reveals his unquestioned  
power over the land he cultivates. The only reference to the state is  
that Heqanakht budgets some grain for the payment of taxes which were  
assessed on his livestock.[3] 
3. Grain Market 
Heqanakht's letters attest to grain sales. Heqanakht (1.4-5)  
anticipates using cash proceeds from the sale of emmer for renting  
land. If this amount is not sufficient, he instructs his family, to  
use proceeds from the sale of cloth (1.6). 
The papyri also signal the making of grain loans in Heqanakht's  
mention of "what is to be collected from the things (debts) which are  
in Perhaa" (1.vo. 17) and tjabet "grain loan" in Fragment A.4). The  
tjabet was probably a loan of grain by Heqanakht rather than a loan  
of grain to him. Allen (163 with n. 125) suggests that a tjabet-loan  
does not bear interest. The evidence for this interpretation is not  
entirely conclusive. In any event, the Heqanakht letters mention  
neither interest nor charity. However, the entire spirit of the  
letters makes it seem unlikely that he would give loans of grain as a  
charitable act. As Baer (1963: 17) notes: "And however much one would  
like to suppose that Heqanakht used some of his resources to succour  
the poor and starving among his neighbors, charity is not likely to  
have been a significant element in the personality of a man who was  
capable of putting his family on short rations for profit." 
Van De Mieroop (2002: 60-2) maintains that "Egyptian material prior  
to the ninth century is limited, but the available evidence suggests  
that the concept of lending with the expectation of an increased  
future return did not exist. People gave one another credit in an  
atmosphere of reciprocity and mutual aid." This may be an idyllic  
vision. However, it is not what the "available evidence suggests."  
First, there is a reference to at en mes "interest-grain" in Gurob  
Fragment L that dates to the second half of the second millennium.  
Second, Papyrus Turin 1881, also of the second half of the second  
millennium, contains, Jasnow (2003: 339) reports, "a loan of grain  
made at the very high interest of some 100 percent yearly"(cf. Baer  
1962: 45, n. 115). 
4. Markets for Labor-Power and Land 
Polanyi believes that the French Physiocrats conceived the idea of  
the economy concurrently with the emergence of the market as a  
supply-demand-price mechanism. The innovation of markets for goods  
was eventually followed by the revolutionary innovation of  
price-making markets for labor and land (Polanyi 1981: 6-7). 
a. Land Market 
Baer (1962: 25-26) notes that "private individuals could own farm  
land at all periods of ancient Egyptian history," and the  
"acquisition of fields for private purposes is ... mentioned, from  
the earliest periods." In the mid-third millennium, the mother of the  
entrepreneur/official Metjen conveyed her estate by means of an  
amat-per "house document." Metjen himself purchased arable land that  
was (k)her "under:" numerous persons termed neseweteyew "king's  
people" or, better, "citizens, subjects" (see Eyre 1999: 41).  
Somewhat later in the third millennium, we encounter such testimonies  
as "I 'sealed' a field of 23 arouras," and "I bought twenty head of  
people and the 'sealing' of a large field" (Fischer 1961: 49). The  
"sealing" refers, of course, to a deed. Baer (1962) explains that a  
term nemehew-na-land means "privately owned."(cf. Menu 2001: 425). 
There are no land sales in the Heqanakht papyri but rental contracts  
are clearly attested. In Letter 2, Heqanankt pays (in advance) a  
fixed rent to lease (kedeb) fields (154-58). Heqanakht also leases  
land to others (159) More generally, there is evidence of an active  
rental market for fields. There are inquiries and negotiations  
concerning the availability of plots and several qualities of land  
are available. Thus, Heqanakht instructs his family: "Don't farm the  
land everyone else farms. You should ask from Hau Jr. If you don't  
find (any) from him, you will have to go before Herunefer. He is the  
one who can put you on watered land of Khepshyt" (1. 7-9). 
b. Labor Market 
Heqanakht specifies the (barley) wage (akew) to be paid to hired  
workers and household members in return for work -- "only as long as  
they are working" (Letter 2.29-30) The evidence (Account 7) indicates  
that he also paid salary plus commission to the woman Sitnesbsekhtu  
for producing linen from his flax (173-75). Indeed, the evidence of  
in-kind payments to Egyptian craftsmen is ample for the second half  
of the third and second millennia. During the earlier period, these  
payments were often called asew, and there are references to  
asewew-people, who may be wageworkers or possibly craftsmen. 
In Letter P=92 Heqanakht instructs his steward to "collect the copper  
of those two female slaves" (21). This probably refers to income from  
the rental of the slaves. The salaries paid by Heqanakht vary from  
one worker to another and it is not easy to identify the influence of  
differences in productivity. However, the highest wage is paid to  
Nakht who undertakes a skilled and responsible mission -- Nakht must  
travel from Sidder Grove to Perhaa and there consult with various  
individuals about leasing land. Heqanakht has special land in mind --  
Nakht must not lease "the land everyone else farms." Nahkt must  
handle the arrangements for paying the rent (1. 3-9, 14-17). 
5. Evidence for Money/Coinage 
Although they are presently in the minority, some Egyptologists  
(e.g., Cerny 1954: 910-12) are inclined to believe that Egypt knew a  
silver coin in the second half of the second millennium. This belief  
is founded on the expression of prices in terms of the  
shat/shaty/shenat/seniu, an ideographically written word  
conventionally translated as "piece." 
There are texts in which the shaty displays a physical nature. The  
Heqanakht letters show us barter _and_ cash transactions. Thus, in  
Letter 1 (4-5) we read: "If, however, they will have collected the  
shat in exchange for that emmer that is (owed me) in Perhaa, they  
should use it as well" (cf. Letter 2.vo 3). Allen (155) translates  
shat as "value" but he finds it "evident" that it "may have involved  
an actual exchange of commodities for some standard medium of  
'value'.... The nature of this medium is not specified, but a text of  
the early New Kingdom suggests it may have been metal." In my view it  
is perfectly clear from the context that the shat took a material  
form: the emmer has been sold for shat which will be used to pay  
rent. I find it difficult to follow Bleiberg (2002: 269), an  
Egyptologist, when he says, "Egyptians living prior to the first  
millennium did not have a clear idea of the concept of abstract  
Allen's excellent discussion of the economics of the Papyri concludes  
with a detailed analysis of Heqanaktht's grain budgets. This section  
will repay the efforts of economic historians interested in the  
specifics of an agricultural enterprise in the early second  
millennium BC. 
James P. Allen is Curator, Department of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan  
Museum of Art and Vice-President of the International Association of  
Egyptologists. Dr. Allen, a graduate of the University of Chicago,  
served as epigrapher while on the University's expedition to Luxor,  
Egypt. Since 1986 he has held a research appointment at Yale  
University, and has taught graduate seminars there and at the  
University of Pennsylvania. Allen's specialties include ancient  
Egyptian language, texts and religion. He has written extensively  
about these subjects, and on the history of the Middle Kingdom and  
Amarna Period. Allen is the author of _Genesis in Egypt_, _The  
Philosophy of Ancient Egyptian Creation Accounts_, and _Middle  
Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs_. 
1. The latter include "Epigraphy and Paleography," "Language,"  
"People," "Places," and "Chronology." 
2. The main manuscript of this Demotic text dates from late in  
Ptolemaic times. However, based on linguistic analysis the original  
date should be placed in late Saitic times. 
3. Heqanakht's letters and accounts make no mention of a tax on the  
grain grown in his fields. Allen (161) suggests that this was "either  
because the taxes had already been paid when the documents were  
written or because they had yet to be expended, like the grain needed  
for seed. The rate of taxation in the Middle Kingdom is unknown, but  
it may have been about ten percent of the harvest, as was true for  
crops grown on normal land in later times." 
Allam, Schafik (1998). "Affaires et Op=E9rations Commerciales." In  
Nicholas Grimal and Bernadette Menu (eds.), _Le commerce en =C9gypte  
ancien_, Cairo: Institut Fran=E7ais d=92Arch=E9ologie Orientale, 133-56. 
Baer, Klaus (1962). "The Low Price of Land in Ancient Egypt."  
_Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt_, 1, 25-45. 
Baer, Klaus (1963). "An Eleventh Dynasty Farmer's Letters to His  
Family." _Journal of the American Oriental Society_, 83, 1-19. 
Cerny, Jareslav (1954). "Prices and Wages in Egypt in the Ramesside  
Period." _Journal of World History_, 1, 903-21. 
Eyre, Christopher J. (1999). "The Village Economy in Pharaonic  
Egypt." In Alan K. Bowman and Eugene Rogan (eds.). _Agriculture in  
Egypt: From Pharaonic to Modern Times_. Oxford: Oxford University  
Press, 1-32. 
Finley, Moses (1973, second edition 1985, updated edition 1999). _The  
Ancient Economy_. Berkeley: University of California Press. 
Fischer, Henry George (1961). "The Nubian Mercenaries of Gebelein  
during the First Intermediate Period." _Kush_, 9, 44-80. 
Janssen, Jacob J. (1975). "Prolegomena to the Study of Egypt's  
Economic History during the New Kingdom." _ Studien zur  
Alt=E4gyptischen Kultur_, 3, 127-85. 
Janssen, Jacob J. (1982). "Gift-Giving in Ancient Egypt as an  
Economic Feature." _Journal of Egyptian Archaeology_, 68, 253-58. 
Jasnow, Richard. (2003). "Egypt: New Kingdom". In Raymond Westbrook  
(ed.). _A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law_, Vol. I. Leiden:  
Brill, 289-359. 
Menu, Bernadette (2001). "Economy: Overview". In Donald B. Redford  
(ed.), _The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt_, Vol. I. Oxford:  
Oxford University Press, 422-26. 
Millett, Paul. (1991). _Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens_.  
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
Murnane, William J. and Charles C. van Siclen III (1993). _The  
Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten_. London: Kegan Paul. 
Polanyi, Karl (1981). _The Livelihood of Man_. Harry W. Pearson  
(ed.). New York: Academic Press. 
Van De Mieroop, Marc (2002). "A History of Near Eastern Debt?" In  
Michael Hudson and Marc Van De Mieroop (eds.), _Debt and Economic  
Renewal in the Ancient Near East_. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL  
Morris Silver is Professor Emeritus of Economics in the City College  
of the City University of New York. His most recent publications  
about ancient economies are _Taking Ancient Mythology Economically_  
(Leiden: Brill, 1992) and _Economic Structures of Antiquity_  
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995). "Modern Ancients" is in press  
in Rollinger and Ulf (eds.), _Commerce and Monetary Systems in the  
Ancient World_, Fifth Annual Melammu Conference 2002. Professor  
Silver maintains a website on "Ancient Economies" at  
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the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the  
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