The California Health Interview Survey has been used to obtain estimates on food insecurity in California.  There are several publications on their website .  They've compared their estimates, with residents who are eligible for programs, with residents who've actually taken advantge of the programs.  An alarming percentage of those eligible do NOT take advantage of the programs....
Also, the USDept of Agriculture, has a regular survey on food insecurity so you might want to check their website as well.  If you search using "food insecurity" on it you'll find several entries.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Liz Harris [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 4:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: food security discussion papers

Check the NSW (Australia) Centre for Public Health Nutrition Website who have published a report on equity realted issues and food that may be of use.

From: Social Determinants of Health [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Rita MacAulay
Sent: Monday, 8 November 2004 5:49 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: food security discussion papers



I was hoping for assistance in finding resources for a research project aimed at developing a discussion document focused on building the case for food security. Although in the preliminary stages, we want this document to help create a common understanding of the issue and allow a certain audience (not yet determined but could be govt, NGOs, business sector) to evaluate the impact of their policies/ programs on food security in Nova Scotia,and beyond.


Although we have gathered some information, if anyone knows of any resources ( local, regional, national,or international focused) such as discussion documents, food charters, personal learnings etc. it would be of great assistance in the preliminary stages of this project.


Thanks in advance for any assistance,


Rita MacAulay

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