Dear AAO institution and individual members,


As you may be aware, the funding that is disbursed by the CCA through the Library and Archives of Canada is at risk of non-renewal, due to this year's review of all Canadian Heritage funding.  Here is what the AAO board has already done on your behalf:  We have written a letter to the CCA (copied to the Librarian and Archivist of Canada and the Minister of Canadian Heritage) expressing our support for the its continued existence.  We have also written a letter to each and every MP in Ontario.  As you know, numbers are very important in sending a strong message to government about the importance of the CCA to the archival community.  We are asking that you also write to your MP, cc'ing the Minister of Heritage and the Librarian and Archivist of Canada with your examples of the positive impact of the CCA and your institution.  To simplify things, knowing that your time is at a premium, we have put together a template letter which might be useful to you. 




Michael Fish


Archives Association of Ontario