An artist in New Zealand, Michael Stevenson, is working on an 
interesting project on the MONIAC--Phillips's machine of the macro 
economy.  He contacted me because Abba Lerner had rights to market the 
Moniac in the US.  Would anyone who has knowledge or information about 
the Moniac please contact me. One question is whether one is still in 
storage here in the US--the last time I heard it was in storage at 
Queens College in New York, but that was 20 years ago. Michael tells me 
that  4 Moniacs were sold through Lerner, one to Roosevelt College, one 
to Harvard, one to Ford Motor Company and one to the Central Bank of 
Guatemala. It is the sale to the Central Bank that interests him most, 
but any information about the Moniac and about whom to contact for 
information would be helpful. 
Many thanks and happy holidays, 
David Colander