In Life on the Mississippi, CHAPTER XV. THE PILOTS' MONOPOLY, Twain describes a union (or an association) for Mississippi River steamboat pilots. He wrote that it was " organization which the pilots once formed for the protection of their guild. It was curious and noteworthy in this, that it was perhaps the compactest, the completest, and the strongest commercial organization ever formed among men" (page 128 in the the Penguin Classics 1984 version). I am trying to find out about this organization but so far I have not had much success. Some questions come to mind right away: When was the association formed? How long did it last? (That is, did the Civil War interrupt it?). Was Mr. Clemens a member of it? And most importantly to me, does anyone have any ideas of where I should go to look for any corroborating text (reminisces, news stories) of the Pilot's Association? Thank you. Duane McCollum [log in to unmask]