That would be "Oily laundry list", but it's a dirty laundry list
indeed, -- of American corporations that were involved, that Bush and
Co, in standard fare, tried to cover up with the 1974 Privacy Act.
Companies like:  Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, Valero Energy, according
to the Post, and Clark, and Marathon Ashland.  Estimates have it that 40
percent of the oil for food program eventually ended up in US
refineries.  And let us not forget Halliburton's skirting of the
sanctions, and taxes, by conducting its oil-service business through
foreign subsidiaries on Cheney's tenure.   The dirty oily laundry list
is probably much longer, but it's been censored under "national security
interests" by you know who.

     And to Jim Zwick, I have egg on my face, maybe even an omelet.  I
missed your wonderful post on 12/01/04 concerning the Oil for Food
program and Funston's continuing influence today.  Now that was a very
Twainish post.  Sorry I missed it.  Thanks.
