Sharon McCoy wrote: >> But is the novel relevant, and relevant to a mixed race/class classroom? I’d answer with a resounding yes, on many levels, not just race. Here are a few that I see: Clemens and Huck saw more violence and death in their young lives than many of us in our suburban insulation will see in our lifetime..... << Based upon the above statement, I say we teach "Letters from Earth" in the schools. It's time we get the lowdown on God and religion at a young age. And, as far as I'm concerned, the monotheists need their wings clipped. It's the monotheists that are at the bottom of the world's problems these days, and we need to see it for what it is. Twain does a wonderful job of inciting us to these kinds of questions in "Letters from Earth". Why not strike at the heart of the problem. Twain's "Letters from Earth", were so radical, even to Twain, that he said he couldn't mail it without soiling the mail, and that it shouldn't be published until 2000 something (I don't remember precisely this date either); and his daughter Clara didn't want to publish it, and so held it until 1962 to published. Seems it's time for this critical piece, that exposes this false caricaturing of God, to come to the forefront, if it's not to late already. I can't think of no better person then ol' Sam to bring all of this to light. Race is a problem, I grant you that. Not quite as big of a problem as in Twains' day, -- but still, a problem; still a significant social tension. But the problem of religion, particularly the monotheist religions, hold a great potential to ignite World War III. Here's how it works, or the major contributing attribute, of today's brewing problems with the monotheist religions: For a long time the world believed that the Semites, -- thru Abraham, -- introduced to the world the idea of there being only one true God, and the accompanying notion that all others gods were false gods, at best, or evil Satanic gods, at worst. Recently we found this not to be true, as we now know that it was Egypt that introduced this monotheist notion of One God, -- and it was hateful and intolerant from its inception. But that doesn't change the mass and momentum, on the pages of history, and on the present, of this myth of the one and only true "Warrior/King/God". This One True God is caricaturized (sic) in the Bible of the Semites, as a Warrior/King/God, who is, by the way, (Huck kicks in here as well) a racist God who selects a "race" of people as his one and only Chosen Ones. He makes a covenant with Abraham, the father of this race, that if he and his descendants remain faithful, then "He", God, will "multiply thy [Abrahams] seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." But Abraham can't remain faithful, because he doubts that God can even give him descendants, considering his wife, Sarah, is past the birthing age. So he slips off from his wife/half-sister, Sarah, and slips it to his/her handmaiden, Hagar; who bears him a man-child, -- Ishmael. (Abraham couldn't possibly have seen, known, or realized, that the "missile" he failed to keep in his Tunic back then, would later produce the missiles that flew into the World Trade Center some 3200 years thence. He could have left the damn thing in his Tunic, but, "NO! they never do, never have, and never will", to quote from my inner mind.....) Then later, at 90, or so, (the exact memory of her age slips me at the moment), Abrahams wife Sarah, bears him a man-child. And this Warrior/King/God, blesses the second man-child, Isaac, of Sarah, and not the first man-child, Ishmael, of Hagar, like he should have & promised; and moreover, puts enmity between the two descendants of the different mothers from then on. As time goes on, these monotheist Semites fail to be faithful to their covenant with this Warrior/King/God, and God takes drastic action and introduces "His only begotten Son" to raise up a new "Chosen Ones"; and then, after about 600 years the Semites from Hagar, the "Ishmaelists", let's say, raise up their great Prophet, Mohammed, and the world stage is set. So today, because of this caricaturization (sic) of God, we have the greatest nation in the world, a monotheist Christian nation, favoring the "Original Monotheist Semites", Israel, the ones this Warrior/King/God falsely designated to be his Chosen Ones, -- The State of Israel, whether they are right or wrong, -- against these "foreign" monotheist Semites from Abraham's illicit affair with his handmaiden, -- the Arabs, -- these illicit children of Abraham from Hagar, the ones not chosen by this Warrior/King/God, the one and only true God; to the point that the illicit Semites are in such a state of rage & anger that they want to kill both the original monotheist, the Jews, and the grafted in followers of the One and only begotten Son of this Warrior/King/ God, the Christians, -- all monotheists, and all following this one and only Warrior/King/God.. (Today, it's the monotheist against the monotheists.) And Twain speaks well to this caricaturing of this Warrior/King/God in his "Letters from Earth." But who has the guts to confront this problem in our classrooms? We could actually be distracted by this smaller issue of race and Huck Finn, and fail to ever get at the root of the problem, the big problem, with World War III potential; which is based upon a false caricature of God; that brings all the woe to the world stage today. So let's get to the real and serious problem, -- monotheism, -- and later, when this is solved, if it's even possible to solve it, let's come back to these smaller issues of racism, that can wait. Or, let's stick our heads in the sand, and just ignore it; it will surely just go away on its own, like a bad dream. Or, if it won't go away, then let's get really ambiguous, and promote this caricature of a Monotheist/Warrior/King/God, -- let's get it over with, -- and get behind our President, -- President Bush, -- to help him along to promote it. Hell, the earth might celebrate the lose of 3 billion of the human species. It certainly would solve the crowding and traffic problems; and the energy crises, as well. And Bush, -- Texas gunslinging, quick on the draw, but not of mind, -- is just the man to do the job. Yea Bush! Armageddon here we come! Harold