Hello all. I am told this originally came through in garbled form. Thanks to those who
notified me, and to the moderator for helping to sort the problem out. Here's an
announcement that might interest listmembers.
The Fondazione Centro Ricerche Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa, as part of its
activities to support research in the field of the revival of the Classical approach to
economic theory, offers a Senior Fellowship and a Junior Fellowship for the academic year
2005-06, addressed to scholars (preferably from outside Italy) interested in Classical
political economy and the work of Piero Sraffa.
The Senior Fellowship of Euro2,000 for a period of one month (dates to be agreed upon) is
intended for an advanced scholar engaged in research on the subjects of interest to the
Fondazione. The fellow will have use of the facilities of the Fondazione and will be
invited to introduce and discuss his or her work in one or more seminars.
The Junior Fellowship of Euro7000 (plus travel expenses) entails residence in Rome for a
period of 5 months from 15 January 2006. It is intended primarily for a scholar enrolled
or about to enrol in a Ph.D programme. Applications from scholars who already have a Ph.D
or equivalent research experience however will also be considered. In addition, the
Fondazione will admit other qualified students who can fund their stay from a different
source. Participants in the programme will be expected to conduct readings concerning the
Classical economists, Sraffa's contribution and later developments with respect both to
the critique of Marginal theories and the revival of the Classical approach. Short essays
will be written on assigned themes and discussed with supervisors fortnightly.
SRAFFA, VIA OSTIENSE 139, 00154 ROMA, ITALIA, tel. (++39) (06) 57374037; fax. 57374254) by
31 March 2005. Candidates should include; (i) a curriculum vita; (ii) a short description
of the applicant's research interests and published or unpublished writings, with
abstracts of those which relate to the lines of research supported by the Fondazione; and,
for the Junior Fellowship, (iii) a testimonial by a senior scholar well acquainted with
the applicant's work. For further details, please write to <[log in to unmask]>.