The most comprehensive discussion of the Moniac can be found in _A.W.H. 
Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective_ (2000, Cambridge 
UP) with essays on the Phillips Machine or Moniac by Walter Newlyn, 
David Vines, Nicholas Barr, Graeme Dorrance, Richard Goodwin, Phillips 
himself and Doron Swade (the Director of the Science Museum, London).  A 
copy of the Machine is on display at the Science Museum, South 
Kensington.  Dorrance (2000, 116) recounts the story of the Governor of 
the Bank of England and the Chancellor of the Exchequer physically 
played on the Machine after a dinner party.  Jacques Polak of the IMF 
arranged for it to be displayed to the 1952 meeting of the Central Bank 
of the Americas.         
Robert Leeson 
Murdoch University