The History of Economics Society will sponsor four sessions at the 2006  
Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) meetings, January 6-8, 2006  
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday), in Boston, Massachusetts.  Please submit  
session proposals, suggestions for organizing sessions and abstracts  
for papers (approx. 200 words) no later than April 8, 2005.   
Submissions for whole sessions will be given preferential  
consideration.  Proposals relating to any aspect of the history of  
economics or subjects of related interest to the community of  
historians of economics should be sent to the HES Vice President, Avi  
J. Cohen, preferably by email ([log in to unmask]),  or to the address  
Perhaps those of you attending this year's meeting in Philadelphia  
might use the occasion of being together to brainstorm some session  
Avi J. Cohen 
Dean's Advisor, TEL Initiatives 
Associate Professor, Economics 
Faculty of Arts 
1033 TEL Building 
York University, Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3 
P: 416.736.2100 ext. 77046 
F: 416.736.5735 
E: [log in to unmask]