YouthNet invites you to participate in an online discussion, "Youth Forum on
Pregnancy Prevention in a Time of AIDS," to be held March 15 - April 15,
2005.  You can share your experiences and lessons learned, along with guest
experts from the United Nations and other international agencies.  To sign
up, send an e-mail to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
with "Youth Forum" in the subject line, and include your name and the
country in which you work.  You will receive an e-mail response explaining
how the forum will work.  For more information, go to:
<> .  The forum is
sponsored by YouthNet and the INFO Project, in conjunction with the
Implementing Best Practices in Reproductive Health (IBP) Initiative, which
is coordinated by the World Health Organization.

David Hock
Family Health International
e-mail: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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