Following on Boegenhold's reference to Fleck, apart from Kuhn's  
general introduction to the English edition of Fleck's book, the best  
current discussion and assessment of Fleck's book in English appears  
in Barbara Herrnsteins Smith's "Netting Truth" in the Publications of  
the Modern Language Association (PMLA), Vol. 115, No. 5. (Oct.,  
2000), pp. 1089-1095. (A more complete version of that paper will  
appear as Chapter 3 in the book Scandalous Knowledge: Science, Truth,  
and the Human, to be published later this year by the University of  
Edinburgh Press, and in North America by Duke University Press for  
the series Science and Cultural Theory, which I co-edit.) 
Briefly per this thread, Fleck's views on scientific practice invoked  
and involved "thought styles" ("Denkstilen") and "thought  
collectives" ("Denkkollectiven"). 
E. Roy Weintraub