Melchior Palyi was born in Budapest 14 March 1892 
died in Chicago 28 July 1970 
PhD with Lujo Brentano in Munich 1915 
thesis on 'Romantic Monetary Theory' (Adam M=FCller) 
Habilitation Munich 1918 
taught in 
Munich 1918-21 
Kiel and G=F6ttingen 1921 
Handelshochschule (High School of Commerce) Berlin 1922-33 
became Honorary Professor there in 1929 
Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank 1928-33 
Advisor of the Reichsbank  1931-33 
Emigration from Nazi Germany in March 1933 
Lecturer University College Oxford and Guest Economist Midland Bank  
London 1933 
1934 -37 Visiting Professor and Research Economist, University of Chicago 
since 1940 Lecturer Northwestern University 
became economic journalist 
weekly column in Chicago Tribune 1961-68 
wrote also for Commercial and Financial Chronicle in NY 
published books on the gold standard, inflation, and exchange rate system= 
Harald Hagemann