Here is what I wrote up: 
Melchior Palyi was born in Budapest, Hungary on March 14, 1892.  When= 
died in Chicago on July 28, 1970 he had had three careers:  business = 
banking, university lecturer, and columnist. 
Palyi received his Master's in Law from the University of Budapest an= 
d the  
doctorate in economics from the University of Munich in 1915.  He wor= 
ked at  
the Austro-Hungarian National Bank and the Hungarian Ministry of Agri= 
between 1915 and 1918.  During 1921-1923 he taught at the Universitie= 
s of  
G=F6ttingen and Kiel and at the Handelshochschule in Berlin (where Ro= 
y F.  
Harrod attended his lectures).  During 1926-1928 he was a visiting pr= 
at Oxford, the University of California at Los Angeles, and Chicago. = 
served as chief economist of the Deutsche Bank during 1928-1933 and a= 
to the Reichbank and managing director of its Institute for Monetary= 
Research during 1931-1933.  Upon the ascendancy of the Nazis to power= 
1933, he emigrated first to the United Kingdom-serving as guest econo= 
mist at  
Midland Bank and lecturer at University College, Oxford-and then to t= 
United States, serving again as a visiting professor at the Universit= 
y of  
Chicago between 1933-1937 and, after 1940, as lecturer at Northwester= 
University.  Palyi was a columnist for the Chicago Tribune during 196= 
and for the Commercial and Financial Chronicle during 1968-1970.  In = 
1956 Handbook of the American Economic Association he self-identified= 
fields as international economics, and money, credit and banking.  Hi= 
s books  
included Principles of Mortgage Banking Regulation in Europe (1934), = 
Chicago Credit Market:  Organization and Institutional Structure (193= 
Creeping Paralysis of Europe (1947), Compulsory Medical Care and the = 
State (1950), The Dollar Dilemma:  Perpetual Aid to Europe? (1954), M= 
Money at the Crossroads (1958), An Inflation Primer (1961), and The T= 
of Gold, 1914-1936:  Myths and Realities (1972).  Palyi was a contrib= 
utor to  
Adam Smith, 1776-1926 (1928), having earlier been co-author of Hauptp= 
der Soziologie:  Erinnerungsgabe f=FCr Max Weber in Gemeinschaft (192= 
3) and  
co-author and compiler of Lujo Brentano:  Eine Bio-bibliographie (192= 
4).  A  
search on JSTOR indicates the following record:  journal articles, 7 = 
(2 AER,  
1 JPE, 3 JBUC, 1 QJE); panel discussions, 4 (all AER); book chapter, = 
1; book  
reviews, 36 (27 JPE, 7 JBUC, 1 APSR, 1 JFIN; reviews of his books, 7;= 
citations to him or his work, 14; his reply, 1. 
Palyi was a committed supporter of the gold standard and an opponent = 
central-bank monetary management (including G. F. Knapp's "state theo= 
ry of  
money"), especially of John Maynard Keynes, and of any institution th= 
at he  
perceived to be socialist in nature. 
Warren J. Samuels