Besides Allende's disastrous administration, I would like to add that an   
interesting line of research has been recently opened up by a Chilean   
philosopher, Victor Farias, showing an interesting connection between   
Allende and eugenics (he was a medical doctor). Farias had written a   
fascinating biography of Heidegger showing his links to the nazi regime. Now   
it is Allende's turn.  
On Pinochet's regime and the Chicago Boys, there is much literature and debate.   
As Carlos Rodriguez points out, Jose Pin~era, PhD in Economics at Harvard,   
was the engine behind our pension system reform. Currently his brother, also   
PhD in Economics at Harvard and currently a billionaire (in US dollars, not   
Chilean $), is a candidate for our next presidential elections. So was Jose,   
but rather unsuccesfully.  
Leon Montes