The II  STOREP National Conference of the Italian Association for the   
History of Political Economy  
on  "The Theory of  Decision in the History of Political Economy"  will   
be held in Siena, 3 and  4 June, 2005.  
Plenary speakers:  
Giacomo Becattini, Terenzio Cozzi, Marco Dardi,  Robert Dimand, Massimo   
Di Matteo, Massimo Egidi, Daniel Ellsberg,  
Samuel Hollander, Bruna Ingrao,  Brian Loasby, Siro Lombardini, Philippe   
Mongin, Aldo Montesano, Piero Tani,  Alessandro Vercelli.  
Sessions:  The theory of decision in the history of political economy;   
Foundations of  theories of  choice; Claudio Napoloni's thought;   
Classical economic thought from A. Smith to marginalist school;   
Cognitive approach to economics in a historical perspective;  
Some aspects about economic thinking and teaching; Macroeconomic   
consequences of individual action in Keynes's and Kalecki's tradition;  
The evolution of the French economic thought;  Theory of growth;  Round   
table on "Napoloni's answer to Sraffa";  
The philosophy of probability and the theory of decisions; Recent   
developments on institutionalism; Economics and mathematics;  
Fredrich August von Hayek; Probability, uncertainty and competition;   
Controversial techniques and tools of economics; Keynes and decision   
Alfred Marshall; Hicks, Keynes and  Kaldor: uncertainty; money and   
employment; Walras, Pareto, and Keynes: some seminal roots of   
contemporary economics; Young scholars panel session.  
For further information and the complete programme see:  
Salvatore Rizzello