[Start of a new thread from message http://eh.net/pipermail/hes/2005-May/002996.html]  
Oh, what a lovely little poem  
Don't know what the moral for economics is  
But it certainly described  
What economics is.  
Black Mumbo stayed in the house  
Sewing beautiful clothes for her darling.  
While Black Jumbo went to the bazaar/market  
Bought lovely things and added to the nation's 'wealth'.  
Then he went to 'work'  
When Black Sambo had his scary adventure  
And brought back ghee for his family  
And guess what?  
There was Black Mumbo  
Ready to make delicious pancakes  
All two hundred and fifty-one of them  
And the clever woman was enjoying 'leisure' all the while!  
Cheer :-)  
Sumitra Shah