This is not a proper response to student's inquiry, but I found the  
following general works on Kant's political philosophy of particular  
use. He might find a quick perusal of them of use.    
Aris, Reinhold (1936), "The Political Ideas of Kant", Idem, History of  
Political Thought in Germany from 1789 to 1815, George Allen & Unwin,  
London, 65-105  
Beiner, Ronald & Booth, William James, eds., Kant and Political  
Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy, Yale University Press, 1998  
Catlin, George (1939), "Individualism and Anarchism", Idem, The Story of  
the Political Philo-sophers, Tudor Publishing, New York, pp. 411-417 on  
Dietz, Gottfreid (1985), "Aspects of Kant's Liberalism", Idem,  
Liberalism Proper and Proper Liberalism, Johns Hopkins University Press,  
Baltimore, pp. 134-173    
Fleischacker, Samuel (1996) "Values Behind the Market: Kant's Response  
to the Wealth of Nations", History of Political Thought, 17(3), pp.  
A Third Concept of Liberty: Judgement and Freedom in Kant and Adam  
Smith, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1999  
Gordon, Coln (February 1986), "Kant on Enlightenment and Revolution",  
Economy and Society, 15(1), pp. 88-96  
Kely, George Armstrong (1969), "Kant: The Actualisation of the Chimera",  
Idem, Idealism, Politics and History: Sources of Hegelian Thought,  
Cambridge University Press, pp. 75-180  
Lasky, Melvin J. (October 1969), "The Sweet Dream: Kant and the  
Revolutionary Hope for Utopia", Encounter (London), XXXIII(4), pp. 14-27   
Vaughan, C. E. (1939), "Kant", Idem, Studies in the History of Political  
Philosophy: Vol. II: From Marx to Mazzini (Little, A. G., ed.),  
Manchester University Press,  pp. 64-93. On his contribution to the  
decline of liberalism.  
Williams, Howerd Lloyd, Kant's Political Philosophy, Blackwell, Oxford,  
ed., Essays in Kant's Political Philosophy, University of Chicago Press,  
A good anthology of Kant's political writings:  
Kant, Immanuel, Kant's Political Writings (Reiss, Hans, ed.), Cambridge  
University Press, 1970  
Chris R. Tame