Dear Cristina,  
These references could be of interest.  
Best regards,  
The Ricardo Effect: Its Meaning and Validity  
C Gehrke, I Works - Economica, 2003 -   
.. One author Victor Edelberg even maintained that Wicksell had conclusively  
that Ricardo's machinery substitution argument is an early formulation ...   
Victor Edelberg - Google Scholar - Mozilla Firefox  
The Ricardo Effect: Its Meaning and Validity   
University of Graz - Institute of Economics   
Economica, Vol. 70, pp. 143-158, 2003   
This paper is concerned with the meaning and validity of the 'Ricardo effect'.  
It is shown that the machinery substitution effect contemplated by David Ricardo  
(a) is not caused by a rise in the real wage rate, (b) is independent of the  
so-called 'price effect', and (c) presupposes very special assumptions about the  
available set of production methods. The paper also investigates whether  
Ricardo's machinery substitution argument anticipates the principle of factor  
substitution with regard to capital and labour in marginalist theory.   
Gehrke, Christian, "The Ricardo Effect: Its Meaning and Validity" . Economica,  
Vol. 70, pp. 143-158, 2003   
JVR/7/129 Letter from Victor Edelberg, probably to Austin Robinson. His  
correspondence comprises 1 letter to 'Dear Robinson' on the economics of  
goodwill. Origination: Edelberg, Victor.   
1 envelope; paper. 1930-1939   
From:  Janus: The Papers of Professor Joan Violet Robinson  
JVR/7/129, Letter from Victor Edelberg, probably to Austin Robinson. His  
correspondence comprises 1 letter to 'Dear Robinson' on the economics of  
goodwill. ...  
STATE PROVISION FOR SOCIAL NEED Series Two: The Beveridge Papers ...  
Includes manuscript copy of "The Inflation Cure of Capitalism: The Fundamental  
Statistical Conditions" by Victor Edelberg. 174pp. [2 files]. ...  
Engines: Google. Hits: 1