Joseph J. Spengler Book Prize of the History of Economics Society  
Book nominations are solicited for the annual Spengler Book Prize to be   
awarded at the 2006 annual conference of the History of Economics   
Society.  Eligible works must be original books on the history of economics   
published in English no earlier than January 1, 2003 and nominations should   
be received by December 1, 2005.  Edited volumes, textbooks, and doctoral   
dissertations are not eligible.  Books nominated in previous years that   
still remain eligible may be re-nominated.  In addition to the honor of the   
award, the recipient will receive a stipend of $500 and travel expenses of   
up to $500 to attend the 2006 annual conference of the History of Economics   
Society.  (These amounts will be shared in the event a shared award is made.)  
Nominations should be submitted to Tim Leonard, Acting Secretary, History   
of Economics Society, Department of Economics, Princeton University, Fisher   
Hall, Princeton, NJ, United States, 08544.  
There are two paths for nomination.  Any publisher may nominate one or two   
books and should submit a nominating note and four copies of the book for   
each book nominated.  Any individual, including a book's author, may submit   
a nominating note and two copies of the book nominated.  Before nominating   
a book individuals may wish to check with the Acting Secretary whether the   
book has been nominated already.  
The selection committee comprises Joe Persky ([log in to unmask]), Steve   
Horowitz ([log in to unmask]), Cristina Marcuzzo   
([log in to unmask]) and John Whitaker (chair)   
([log in to unmask])  
Thomas (Tim) Leonard