We are all responsible for giving reasons for our beliefs.  After having  
done so, they are open for discussion and, perhaps, rebuttal.  Unlike Marx,  
we needn't resort to invective in place of argument.  It can be emotionally  
satisfying to do so; however, it works the other way for the target.  
Anyway, it's not nearly as much fun as some of the more sly forms of  
criticism or unflattering comparisons.  
Of course, arguments eventually work their way down to the discussion of  
basic assumptions.  Reasonable people often find that at that level, there  
isn't much to argue about and can agree to disagree.  This doesn't mean that  
both are correct: it just means that, given present circumstances or the  
present state of knowledge, they can't agree as to who is correct.  At least  
they know what they are arguing about.  
Sam Bostaph