_Mark Twain's "Is Shakespeare Dead?"_ adapted and performed by Keir Cutler.
DVD. 44 minutes. Film West Associates, 2004. School pricing with classroom
license is $149.95 + $9.95 shipping. Home video price is $40 + $9.95
shipping. Taped at the 2003 Winnipeg Fringe Festival, Keir Cutler's
performance is a one-man show performed on a darkened stage. Cutler,
dressed in a barrister's robes, presents Twain's compelling claim (that
William Shakespeare did not write the works attributed to him) as though it
were the closing argument of a trial. He weaves humour and logic into an
enjoyable feat of rhetorical sleight of hand. Even the most devout
Stratfordians may reconsider the authority of their idol after seeing
Cutler's performance. Keir Cutler will perform "Is Shakespeare Dead?" at
New Classical Theatre, Festival Theatre Ste-Catherine, Montreal, Canada
from September 6-10, 2005.

The publisher's website for this DVD is:

Cutler's web site is:

Barbara Schmidt
Book Review Editor