
A very recently published book I would recommend is:

Buse, K, Mays, N & Walt, G (2005) Making Health Policy. Maidenhead. Open
University Press. 

John Kenneth Davies
International Health Development Research Centre
Health Promotion Post Graduate Courses Leader
Vice-President IUHPE/EURO
Faculty of Health
University of Brighton
Mayfield House
Brighton BN1 9PH

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-----Original Message-----
From: Health Promotion on the Internet [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Bo Haglund
Sent: 22 September 2005 18:30
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [CLICK4HP] Health Policy Textbooks?

Dear click4HP reader,


In our masters education in Health Promotion we have for many years used
Gill Walts book  when discussing policy making as an important practice of
health promotion (Walt G. Health Policy. An introduction to process and
power. London: Zed Books, 1998 Third Impression.). 

There has come a complimentary chapter in Tones and Greens book recently
(Tones K, Greeen J. Health Promotion. Planning and Strategies. London: Sage,


My request is now if there is any more recent published book that you use or
have come across as student in courses considering Public Health Policy or
Healthy Public Policy. 

You may  even know of material on Internet. Please tell me!

Bo J A Haglund

Karolinska Institutet
Department of Public Health Sciences
Division of Social Medicine
Visiting address:
Norrbacka Builidng 2nd Floor

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